These "precations" is only going to make things worse. Palestinians will feel less free and this type of action only fuels the hatred. Israel really doesn't know how to make friends. They claim the be the victims, but are the aggressors. This is all a plan for Israel. Step by step they are...
You are saying propaganda and then talk like some one who takes crack. Please just stop, you are taking ignorance to another level. And maybe figure out who has influence on you
I dont know how you can put islamic and terrorist in one sentence. You are either one or the other
Are you retarded or mentally unstable? Just out of curiosity...
When an indian claims to know the pak army more than pakistanis. I think you might be suffering from schizophrenia, because there...
This is going to another sad ending, everyone knows the US doesnt negotiate with terrorists. Maybe they will attempt a rescue mission, but the last one failed so I doubt it.
Dont call me a moron you fool, putting insults there wont help if you are trying convince me. And I wouldn't call it rape, it's sexual harassment and the crook is in custody anyway