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    Al Jazeera: Kashmir Meeting ends without consensus!

    When your existence is at stake you find the resources
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    Quran confirms evolution and human African roots.

    I do not meant to hurt any feelings.
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    Quran confirms evolution and human African roots.

    I want to thank you from buttom of my heart. This video is very informative and regardless of what people say is an eye opener... The most painfull part is though that it should have been the Muslim scientist that should have done the research and put forward the discoveries.... But we are...
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    How to squeeze Indian logistics to IOK in case of war.

    Break til chain of command and supply lines of any army and they are sitting ducks. So offcourse pakistan military should have plans for cutting off supply lines
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    Indian Army incapable of fighting war

    It would be fruit full that we back our arguments with some facts I know that there are many conditions to consider when talking about whether an army is able to fight a particular war or not, but we should at least back our arguments and claims with some facts. These facts could be comments /...
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    I agree that sometimes a preemptive attack i necessary. Preemptive attack doesn´t mean that you are bad... But when it comes to living or dead, then i rather be a dead good guy than a living bad guy....
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    PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

    Yeah and the lady he said that too had a higher security clearance then Tom had.... :bounce:
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    Father of shaheed Muhammad Yousuf who embraced shahadat on pak afghan border - The Courage

    Shaheed Muhammad yousuf and his family are civilized and make us all proud.
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    PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

    F-16 where paid but not delivered in 1990s... The cash paid was also used for payment for storage... Such was the deceit from USA More F-16 came after 9/11
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    PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

    Just one word: pressler!! F-16 has only been delivered to Pakistan when USA needed something from Pakistan!! In 1980ies... Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (and if memory serves me right then other options of fighter planes where turned down and PAF insisted on F-16) 1992 PRESSLER - US did not...
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    PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

    Salaam Tallguy Still waiting for official conformation... ;-)
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    PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

    f-16 block-70 welcome as a stop gap - but nothing more Don´t trust the Americans...
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    Trump offered to mediate Kashmir dispute with Pakistan India

    Trump does not do anything unless he can get something out of it.... Trump is many things but not a humanitarian...
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    Trump offered to mediate Kashmir dispute with Pakistan India

    Agree. Trump couldn´t say anything else than he said. AND the PM IK and co shouldn´t put anything in it either. They also know that this is just word. I don´t know why PM IK put him self into the position where Trump needed to reply on that question. So i would not put any emphasis on what...
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    Trump offered to mediate Kashmir dispute with Pakistan India

    I agree - just words. US is not going to mediate. Not in their interest and they won´t get anything out of it. Since when has US government started to do something good for other states...
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    Three Different Radars Recorded The SU-30 Kill

    From the internet... :dance3: :yay:
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    1st Semi Final : India Vs New Zealand

    NOPE just go through the posts mate....
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    1st Semi Final : India Vs New Zealand

    The Celebration is because of the feeling that India deliberately lost to England AND India loosing to a team that was considered a walk over - specially the Indians. And yes you are right that the celebration if India lost in the final wouldn´t have been there... So NO i never said that...
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