This is fake, even the prototypes of the AKKOR system will be ready in 2020.
There's a chance we might use the systems bought from Ukraine several months ago but even that is very slim.
The Americans have no saying in Afrin area hence the statement, lol.
ln case you still haven't noticed it is Russia who doesn't want us to make an operation to Afrin or Tel-Rıfat.
For some reason though, everyone is talking about the Americans o_O
l don't know why Pakistanis love us so much but they were always there when we needed them. Not just during the independence war but also way before during the Balkan wars they came to help.
That's what l call a real friend.
Ben bundan diğer konuda bahsetmiştim, bu yeni yapılan çirkin binalar ile Türkiye aynı Güney Amerika'nın bazı ülkelerinde olan varoş şehirlerine benzemeye başladı yani Avrupa'da olan mimarı ile karşılaştırmak biraz saçma oluyor.
Bu yüzyıl Çinlilerin olucak adamlar her yönden ABD'ye kafa tutabilen tek ülke olma yolunda gidiyor siz öyle bakmayın Rusya bile artık ABD ile tek tük sürtüşmeden başka bir şey yapamıyor.. 220 dolara çalışıyor diyip Çinlileri öyle hiç küçük görmeye çalışmayın bal gibi çalışıp duruyor Çin halkı...
Some have apparently already received and others will follow.
Assad's current campaign on Idlib will also bring in more refugees to Turkey and the Americans are preparing to recognize the Kurds in Northern Syria.
Meanwhile Erdoğan:
O koridoru onlara mezar ederiz
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan...
Erdoğan's government's anti-Turkish policies had a major role in bringing this kind of Turkishness mixed with racism.
Just 3 years ago saying that you were a Turk was labeled as being a fascist by certain people in Turkey and Erdoğan was saying things like *We are against Turkish nationalism"...
Baby boom is the last thing Turkey needs right now, you look at countries with higher population and most of them live in utter sh*t conditions...You can always promote something like that as state policy but the current population is more than enough.
Other Turkic countries like Kazakhstan...
Why are you so butthurt my Chinese friend, if you have a quarrel with the Japanese go cry somewhere else.
Your comment has no relevance to the thread.
Why even feed the troll? o_O