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  1. R

    Iran mulls plan to move capital from Tehran

    Are you guys gonna make a new Capital City? That is what Pakistan did.
  2. R

    Why aren't there any Liberal Parties in Pakistan?

    What do you mean by "liberal". By liberal, you mean a homosexual man who drinks alcohol do drugs, has illegitimate children, gambles, lends loan on interest? etc? Is that what you mean a "liberal"
  3. R

    Syed Zaid Hamid Blasting SAFMA & The Hostile Indian Media !!!

    The Sikhs made it clear they wanted to live with India, instead with Pakistan, followed by a bloody genocide of Muslim Punjabis in east Punjab by our "brothers". If Sikhs have a good will for Pakistan. Then well and good. If they have issues with their government. Then its their problem. Why...
  4. R

    China commits $6.5 billion for nuclear project in Pakistan

    I like the great gesture and deal between China and Pakistan regarding this nuclear energy. It would meet our energy needs, which is quite crucial to our economy. But I am also concerned about the environmental hazard, like what happened in Japan during the tsunami. Are we also prepared to...
  5. R

    Two Opposing Terms: Islamic and Republic

    I agree with that.
  6. R

    Two Opposing Terms: Islamic and Republic

    Talon. This has become a troll thread. The guy you were arguing with. Said, This is the argument he was building his castle over how, Islam is against democracy. Below is what can be deduced from his statement. UN is not an essential part of democracy. Thus his whole argument against...
  7. R

    Turks, Mongols and a Persian Secretarial Class in Early Delhi Sultanate

    You have no idea. There was NO India in that time. There were Native Muslims of the subcontinent, coming from different kingdom in that regions, which were hundreds of them You mean, "Native Muslims, Not "Indian Muslims. These people did not even call themselves that. India is an "identity"...
  8. R

    Two Opposing Terms: Islamic and Republic

    It can have 600 countries as its members ranging from communist China to Democratic USA. UN is still not essential to the concept of democracy . There was no UN when US and Britain were practicing democracy! Again. Your argument has no weight. Again another troll post by you. Please stick...
  9. R

    Two Opposing Terms: Islamic and Republic

    OH MY GOD. How on EARTH, does this Ayat any where imply Democratic practices are against Islam. I mean HOW. How on earth can you come to this conclusion! @_@ Again. I would give you my previous example. A teacher asks the students in her class to vote for the prefect of the class , which they...
  10. R

    Two Opposing Terms: Islamic and Republic

    This is what he said earlier Again, another post by you that does NOT make any sense at all. If you are basing your argument, on how Islam contradicts Democracy is because. Islamic Concept of Human Rights is against the UN concept of Human Rights. Then you are implying. 1: The concept of...
  11. R

    Two Opposing Terms: Islamic and Republic

    So we agree, on your latter post.
  12. R

    Two Opposing Terms: Islamic and Republic

    Seems like you choose to ignore my point, and made a troll post. ....
  13. R

    Two Opposing Terms: Islamic and Republic

    Democracy as defined by Abraham Lincoln is rule of the people, by the people, for the people. UN is a foreign body. That a country can choose to recognize or not recognize. How in the hell, a Foreign body such as UN, became an ESSENTIAL part of democracy? Let me tell you. It is NOT. UN is...
  14. R

    Two Opposing Terms: Islamic and Republic

    I am not a school going kid. You understood wrong. You are wrong.
  15. R

    Two Opposing Terms: Islamic and Republic

    I don't know when did UN become an essential part of democracy. I mean did UN even exist when democracy was being practiced in England or the US? Does UN dictate what democracy is, and what it should and should not do? How can you even possibly confuse UN with democracy? I mean how? That is...
  16. R

    Two Opposing Terms: Islamic and Republic

    Democracy, Secularism and UN are three different things, which are independent of each other. There is NO condition, that one can not exist without another. In fact, they can exist quite separately. "Human Rights" Is a subjective term. It has nothing do with the concept of democracy. Nor UN has...
  17. R

    Two Opposing Terms: Islamic and Republic

    Here is what I said. No offence, but you don't seem to a have strong grasp over the fundamentals of what you are talking about, but you are building a castle over. So whatever you just said, does not make any sense. You are simply. Wrong.
  18. R

    Two Opposing Terms: Islamic and Republic

    That dd not even make any sense.... @_@
  19. R

    Turks, Mongols and a Persian Secretarial Class in Early Delhi Sultanate

    If you are a South Indian, then you don't have anything to do with Muslim empires. If I am not mistaken, South Indians managed to evade most of the rule of Muslim empires expanding in the Subcontinent. The British gifted South Indian the "Indian" identity, thanks to an artificial colony known as...
  20. R

    Two Opposing Terms: Islamic and Republic

    This is about Islam and republic. Democracy, Secularism and UN, are three unrelated things. independent of each other.
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