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  1. PAKjunoon

    What will it take to Force India to accede on Kashmir?

    Simple: Instigate a civil disobedience movement in IOK,Protest,Road Blocking,Eradicating any symbol of Indian Control,like flags,id cards,etc. Targeted highly publicized attack on the occupational force. Support other liberation movements going in India. After a few years Indian citizens will...
  2. PAKjunoon

    Another Gem from Aurat March 2018

    Once I saw a teenage boy,welder turned into a punching by the public just because the lady was hit by his motorcyle. It was the ladys fault.But poor boy:disagree:
  3. PAKjunoon

    Our yellow stars!

    WRONG! To become muslim you need to recite the KALIMA only. So if a western gov. asks a someone to declare his assets and affiliation then it will also be discriminatory? How being a non-Muslim makes them inferior to contitution. Please show me where they are declared inferior in...
  4. PAKjunoon

    Our yellow stars!

    All the articles are mentioning an incident which happened in In Dec,2016. I agree it was wrong.But on basis of 1 or 2 incident you can't declare state persecution. These wer don by non governmental groups. Not the state. More muslim on muslim violence happen as compared to Muslim on...
  5. PAKjunoon

    Our yellow stars!

    You are confusing the definition of Muslim and the characteristics of a GOOD muslim. To be a Muslim you need to believe in two things: Allah is the our lord and He alone is to be worshiped. Prophet (Peace be Upon him) is the Messenger of Allah and the Final prophet. The rest are...
  6. PAKjunoon

    Our yellow stars!

    Asking someone to declare their religion is not unjust or unequal.
  7. PAKjunoon

    Our yellow stars!

    You are the one who said Ahmedis are penalized just because they are Ahmedis. I rejected your point. You showed that figure to quantify the penalization of Ahmedis, not me. My point was simple,NO State persecution of Ahmedis happens in Pakistan. You graph showed that majority of the Ahmedis...
  8. PAKjunoon

    Our yellow stars!

    Pakistan is an Islamic country because Islam was the basis of creation of Pakistan,it is an Islamic country because it is officially declared as an Islamic country in the constitution,whose objective is to implement Islamic Laws. Not because of an MNA! You are talking about secular countries...
  9. PAKjunoon

    Our yellow stars!

    Allah did define a muslim. Because U.k is secular country not a religious country. But Pakistan is a Religious country.
  10. PAKjunoon

    Our yellow stars!

    You are not reading the whole speech and taking out of context.Even in this speech he did not say Pakistan was not to be an Islamic Country or an Islamic government. Let me quote you another speech: "I shall watch with keenness the work of your Research Organization in evolving banking...
  11. PAKjunoon

    Our yellow stars!

    What Apartheid you are facing in Pakistan? Just being declare minority is not Apartheid. You have all the same oppurtuinities as the rest of Pakistanis have.Except you can't the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan. The legal documents ask you to declare that you believe in Finality of...
  12. PAKjunoon

    Our yellow stars!

    How come asking minorities to declaring their reiligion is penalizing them? Heck it is beneficial.They get quota in all jobs. And how is it dangerous for public safety and order? Plz explain.
  13. PAKjunoon

    Our yellow stars!

    In Pakistan Religion can't be a personal matter. Because Pakistan is an Islamic country,based on Islamic Ideology and who's objective is to implement Islamic Laws in Pakistan. That's why only a Muslim can be a President or PM of Pakistan. And for that they need an official definition of...
  14. PAKjunoon

    Another Gem from Aurat March 2018

    The demands of Aurat March You will be asking what "gender" and "sexual" minorities? Because as a feminist movement,obviously they won't support "men" or "heterosexuality".Then who are they supporting? Here let me help you Genders: Sexualities: These feminist want this to be the...
  15. PAKjunoon

    Another Gem from Aurat March 2018

    Again resorting to personal attacks.:astagh: In none of your rants you provided any logical arguments for your point of view.Either personal attacks or emotional rants. It's enough that Islam says a women should obey all commands and wishes of her husband!
  16. PAKjunoon

    Another Gem from Aurat March 2018

    Great way to present your argument by resorting to personal attacks.WELL Done! :astagh: You are missing the whole point of my argument. I did not say that men should not help the women in the household works.I am saying that men helping women should be an exception not an acceptation. Because...
  17. PAKjunoon

    Another Gem from Aurat March 2018

    The thing with "Khana Khud garam karo" is that it is erasing the line between the different responsibilities of man and women. Without clear and distinct responsibilities of each,it will lead to confusion,chaos and conflict. Confusion: Who is responsible of doing a particle work? i.e who will...
  18. PAKjunoon

    Christians come under threat in Pakistan: ‘No one accused of blasphemy is ever safe’

    The problem is that in Pakistan no one tries to think for himself.It's outsourced to the media. This is from the article This show that he was not targeted just because he was a christian.He was targeted so that the Christians of the areas can be forced out.It was for the monetary gains by...
  19. PAKjunoon

    Another Gem from Aurat March 2018

    Do the feminist movement have a criteria that you should be ugly to join them?:flame:
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