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    US not interested in FTA with India: Biden

    You can either grow economy or defend it. There is no middle ground.
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    Realignment of US-India relationship in post Afghan war scenario.

    Within US policy circles, India is always seen as the least reliable and committed member of Quad. Recent events have raised questions about India's capacity and commitment to counter China. India has failed to rise on multiple occasions. Her inability to contain Pakistan, muted response to...
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    US not interested in FTA with India: Biden

    Don't confuse deep policy with surface level statements.
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    US not interested in FTA with India: Biden

    Deep within policy circles conversations about India's capacity to balance PRC started couple of years back, I know Pakistani friends would love to relate it with 27th of feb, but I would not go there. Loss of Kabul will accelerate this condition. US need to find alternatives of India for its...
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    TTP Pledges Allegiance To The Afghan Taliban

    He was released by Ghani in April, there was a news in VoA.
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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan: implications & next steps for Pakistan

    Don't even think of it for at least 10 years, your armed forces are incompetent and if you are somehow relying on US Administration, you can see what just happened in neighborhood.
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    Afghan Taliban in Kabul; Amnesty announced and Interim setup rumored

    Time to get back to John Hopkins for his old job, what a fool, but our Administrations were bigger fool to invest on him.
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    Replacing the F-16: Will Pakistan’s Top Fighter Squadron Transition to Chinese J-10Cs?

    Military sale did their part well and provided us the necessary influence, some of which still exist today. US lost in Afghanistan by appeasing India, Afghanistan would still be in firm control if we have not brought India there, insurgency if any would still be minimal. People in policy making...
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    SAC - FC-31 Grey Falcon Stealth aircraft for PAF : Updates & Debate

    At the moment PAF has no need of J-20, most of PAF agenda is India Centric. It is not like PAF is looking to engage USAF. Stealth fighters are notorious to maintain, if you have a squadron, expect to have maximum 4 fighters ready to scramble at any given time. Probably not worth the hassle...
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    America abandoned India in Afghanistan?

    Than why did we let India get in Afghanistan?
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    America abandoned India in Afghanistan?

    This conversation is in context of Afghanistan, and for sure India is not more important than Pakistan for control of Afghanistan. It was foolish of US to let India sit in Afghanistan and destabilize Pakistan, this resurrected Pakistan's support for Taliban and here we are, leaving this country...
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    Featured Anatolian Eagle 2021 - JF-17 To Pitch Against Rafale and Vipers

    Indeed. It was India's nonstop chest thumping which got them out of touch with reality.
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    Why Chengdu J-10C 4.5th Gen Fighter Can Easily Eat Alive F-16 Block 52 ?

    The New Chinese Missile That Has the U.S. Air Force Spooked (thedailybeast.com) That’s why it was a big, big deal when Gen. Herbert Carlisle, the head of the Air Force’s Air Combat Command, twice mentioned with concern a new Chinese air-to-air missile in mid-September. The missile, called the...
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    Featured Anatolian Eagle 2021 - JF-17 To Pitch Against Rafale and Vipers

    If French try to punish, Qatar will buy from US. And as far as French are considered they can use this opportunity to pitch their next generation upgrade package to India. Remember what happened when scorpion data was leaked on dark web. Newer electronics, more cash and more time for France.
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    World Exclusive JF-17 and Rafale in Joint Exercise

    This is not how it works. Let's stay clear of conspiracy theories.
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    27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

    Exactly, there was no reason for the helicopter to be airborne at that time.
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    Arabs recall Pakistani pilots’ gallantry in 1967 war

    Pakistan have enough native Bengali's to pick one. It will be good to embrace this minority.
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    KSA-PAK: A new strategic alliance emerging?

    Khan and Qureshi were the suicide squad, while Army is the batman, Qureshi was not fooling around on this subject, he has not done anything of this sort in his career. It was calculated move to control MBS and his expectations.
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    Featured US could Sanction Pakistan post-Withdrawal; Rubin

    I don't think Biden Administration will take policy cues from this dude, he is nobody.
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