I was recently watching Dr. Hussain Nadim (IPRI), who works directly under our NSA, talk about how an inclusive government in Afghanistan is probably not possible, he did say it was his personal view, I think I agree with it. Afghanistan never had any inclusive government, and Taliban...
Pakistan Needs a Proactive Afghanistan Policy
As the United States and its NATO allies withdraw from Afghanistan, the stalled intra-Afghan peace deal is all but dead in the water. For Pakistan, this means formulating a policy that takes into account the near-certain possibility of increased...
I think they'd allow our media to go to their country and make a documentary about their ills. The question is, is our media even interested to do that?
You completely ignored my point about Mullah Abdul Aziz. Why is a terrorist roaming free preaching hate and even allowed to speak to press?
Under this scenario, the existing political and social dispensations in Afghanistan would be maintained, with minimal changes to the constitution and the preservation of existing formal civil liberties and human rights, including the rights of women...
That's least of my worries actually. Things are bad and they should be highlighted. I think the documentary could have been a bit more unbiased. It showed Pakistan as some ultra religious society. But overall, whenever there is bad, we shouldn't be offended by it. Accept it, and work for a...
Good to read this. So our stated policy is that we wont accept Taliban overrunning Kabul. And if they do, we'll be with other International powers to condemn them.
I guess the problem with this argument is that Asad Umar had no option, we were short of dollar and to keep the exchange rate stable, we needed to inject more dollars in the market. You can argue that the way rupee was made to fall, was disastrous, I mean a lot of economists including out...
What hydro project do you think would have been able to overcome power shortage before a waiting period of at least a decade?
Simple question: why is Government calling it power shortage if as you say, is a distribution issue?
Wasn't this Government accusing last Government of installing excess power, how is that we are facing a shortfall now if excess power was in the system? Sounds like bad summer planning.
The personal comments were uncalled for, but were historically correct. It shows that one of the top journalists of the country cannot stand the pressure from the people who cannot be named. Those who attacked Asad Toor have still not been apprehended or identified, even after the Interior...