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  1. V

    PLA Navy patrols Bashi Channel between Taiwan and Philippines

    You just said you want to claim Korea as well, so spare me the hypocritical speeches Should I not forget recent damages caused by PRC in 1979, 1988 as well? America is actually not that bad compare to CCP rule. USA still has the rule of law that value human freedom, unlike that totalitarian...
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    PLA Navy patrols Bashi Channel between Taiwan and Philippines

    Such a exemplified showcasing of intellectual power. Who attacked first? If the whole world belonged to the China Communist Party, then we would not have this discussion in the first place Vietnam is different from America. If you want to throw your dislike to them, go talk to Obama Please...
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    PLA Navy patrols Bashi Channel between Taiwan and Philippines

    This shows your ignorant of the world's langauge. Vietnam used Chinese character to demonstrate spoken Vietnamese langague, which is called "Chu Nom." It's like the Japanese usage of the Chinese character in Kanji writing. Nowadays , we used Latin alphabet since it's easier to write Btw, maps...
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    PLA Navy patrols Bashi Channel between Taiwan and Philippines

    Ok then lets go the Court with the Philippines oh heroic one!! What do you scare of?? Is the prospective of losing that lawsuit and then having to use the veto power to put yourself above international persecution too hard of a diplomatic trouble to bare? This is a new world, new century so...
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    PLA Navy patrols Bashi Channel between Taiwan and Philippines

    Please show me the links to your lovely collection. It only appears so if one runs away from intellectual argument on the matter. This is called typical bullying attitude. When the PRC moral argument is weaken, it runs back to its shiny flexing muscles. Where is the reputation of a "peaceful...
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    PLA Navy patrols Bashi Channel between Taiwan and Philippines

    Thank you Martian2 for giving me back some energy to put this claim of yours to rest right now. I was tired from lack of sleep responding to both you and KirovAirship. Thus, even though I saw your post about Pham Van Dong's documents, I decided to give it a rest for now. But now, I'm even more...
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    Beijing should back Okinawa independence, says Global Times

    True true, please send to PLA welcome-home army :smitten: @KirovAirship, this is an instant example of what I was talking about. Chinese nationalists would have used the same rationale with Tibet if they were the ones invaded Vietnam in 1946. Please stop defending the undefinable by...
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    Beijing should back Okinawa independence, says Global Times

    Central Dynasty that was controlled by people other than Han Chinese. I will save the discussion of ethnicity further down. Vietnam is similar to Tibet because both has been victims of "Central Dynasty." The only unfortunate thing for Tibetan now is that the country is still occupied. Tibet...
  9. V

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    43 ships are currently fielded 12x 120 tons 4x 148 tons 12x 200 tons 3x 300 tons 4x 400 tons 2x 1200 tons 4x 1400 tons 2x 2500 tons that you see on the picture Many more are being built under Netherlands' license. Japan has offered to provide more vessels. The Maritime Police...
  10. V

    PLA Navy patrols Bashi Channel between Taiwan and Philippines

    What kind of logic is this?? It fails on multiple points so I have to lay them out here: 1) When is saying nothing = acceptance? In American justice system (which you claim to be a citizen of), there is a famous clause "You have the right to remain silent." That means when a policeman asks a...
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    Beijing should back Okinawa independence, says Global Times

    Looking back at history, I'm really greaful for generations of Vietnamese who had lost their lives to repel Chinese invasions, especially that one event in 1946 where 200,000 Chinese Nationalist army almost succesful in taking Vietnam again. Why? Because if China had captured Vietnam then, this...
  12. V

    North Koreans seize Chinese fishing boat

    Russia, Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Vietnam, and now North Korea is fed up with PRC's militia "fisherman" encroach in their territories? If even China's most loyal ally cannot stand its expansionist actions, imagine what PRC will do with non-allies. Continuing this path and that country...
  13. V

    Beijing should back Okinawa independence, says Global Times

    There are independent movements within Tibet and Uyghur so any talks about Okinawa independence are just hypocritical speeches. Of course, people at the Gobal Times get hyped up by the prospective of retaliate against what they think as "Western meddling into their events." However, what they...
  14. V

    Vietnam sentences students to years in prison for anti-China leaflets

    I'm sorry, I just feel kind of strange that someone can be so hating on their own people. The same goes with India-Pakistan hatred. Of course, those feelings are understandable, but sometimes, I think we need a bit of basic humanity. I knew Vietnamese oversea that still hate the leaders of our...
  15. V

    Philippine killing of Taiwanese fisherman is crime against humanity

    Since your thread is about the accusation of the highest crime imaginable "crime against humanity," it is completely logical to evaluation your claim, or whomever you quoted in your OP, by comparing it with history's highest order of atrocities. My list is short and there are many more...
  16. V

    Vietnam sentences students to years in prison for anti-China leaflets

    Not sure who you are talking to, but only myself and 2 other Vietnamese members have responded to this thread. If it is about the forum as a whole, I don't know since I have just been here recently. Anyways, I'm neither of whom you said. I'm not anti-China, just the CCP's policy. Btw, China is...
  17. V

    South China Sea Forum

    I hope that your government pull enough political courage into defense. It has been a concern from some of my Filipino's friends that corruptions might hinder money for national security. Btw, have you thought about coastal defense missiles? Those will be very effective weapons against...
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    India to raise stakes in South China Sea

    You cannot claim what you said on one hand and bring your ships into our EEZ deep in South Vietnam away from your territories on the other. The statement is useless within itself. A thief cannot say "I will not rob you in your house, but I will take this TV because I claim your living room is...
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    Vietnam sentences students to years in prison for anti-China leaflets

    Sorry, then this may be a ground for me to report you.
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    Mainland, Taiwan could join hands to handle the Philippine shooting inciden

    From your mouth to your CCP's ears :azn: The action of your government proves otherwise that it is sucking as much political advantages as possible out of this tragic death
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