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  1. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Pakistani national, Sanaullah attacked in high security central jail

    I conodom the cowardly attack on pakistani national san aulla
  2. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Syria militants exhume grave of Prophet’s companion

    +100. I agree with you brother. Irrationalism and shirk has plagued islam in subcontient. Thats because of erstwhile hindu roots.
  3. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Syria militants exhume grave of Prophet’s companion

    Wahabis are practicing truest form of distilled Islam as laid down by PBUH. I have seen many munazaras between Wahabi Learned Mohtarams and sunni brelvis and deobandis, and clearly no one can outweight them in islamic discussions. They follow islam in its puirest variety and upto the core...
  4. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Bomb attack on PML-N election office leaves 2 dead, 8 injured in Peshawar

    What about punjab? Is there some political setting between talibs and PML-N? I remember Shahbaz sharif urging the mujahideens to not attack punjab province.. Print Report
  5. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Bomb attack on PML-N election office leaves 2 dead, 8 injured in Peshawar

    Peshawar has been taking the hit since long time. Seems like except punjab all provinces are victims of election related violence. Especially, peshawar, krachi and quetta.
  6. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Russia may set up new Afghanistan bases – official

    Thats great news. Russia is our friend, philosopher and guide.
  7. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    The photos Saudi Arabia doesn't want seen –

    That is fair enough my ffriend. :tup: Makka, maadina or any real estate within your territory is your nations property. Just like crude oil.
  8. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    British women of Pak origin raped in Libya

    They were working for turkish NGO
  9. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    The photos Saudi Arabia doesn't want seen –

    Whats yours? Its completely theirs. In rome, do what romans do. Your identity and your history is not arab identity or arab history. I am surprised that being a native sub-continental you people have a vague sense of belonging to arabs. Funny.
  10. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Pakistani Taliban accepts responsibility for Peshawar attack.

    So last week, it was a water tanker. This time its bicycle. Interesting modus operandi.
  11. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Modi invited to USA

    today I read somewhere on this forum that Modi is the worst man on the planet running for Indian PM post. Well it seems that their primary aid donor (US) dont think so. :lol:
  12. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Modi invited to USA

    That would mean more heart burn to some people here. I think Modi should reject this invitation.
  13. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Do you want Shariah law in Pakistan

    Is the poll closed? I cant vote.
  14. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    India as a great power: Know your own strength

    There is an old saying in India, Bhaya Bin hoye na preeti. Ie without fear, peace is not possible. hadnt it been for our strong military, there would have been dozens of 62 and 65. Its in the defence prepardness that we are spending the money, which is very vital for stability and growth. Its...
  15. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    I am proud of the Kargil operation: Musharraf

    How about, Indians kill thousands of pakistani soldiers. pakistan bravely refuses to accept their corpses. Pakistani soldiers buried by kufr in kufr enemy land. Families of those fellows could not even see their last faces... 10 years later their names are uploaded in ISPR website under shuhadra...
  16. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    India as a great power: Know your own strength

    Sir, then You have to take back your "at the expense of a state's own citizens" comment. Because if we are discussing sh!t pakistan is knee deep as compared to us and a pakistani would be the last person on this planet to use that phrase and sermon us.
  17. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    Sanjay Dutt Breaks Down

    That was for our Fairer and taller, peachy buttocks birathers of pakistan. :tup:
  18. Maj. Kuldeep Singh

    India as a great power: Know your own strength

    Sir our military expenditure is less than 2.5% GDP and yours is 3.5%. So save your great wisdom for your self.
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