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  1. mhosein

    Bayraktar TB2's Confirmed Kill List (759 targets - for now)

    One is better equipped to analyze something, when one has access to either side of the story. Not just that, but an honest account of it. So far, there has only been marketing ploys, employed by the Turkish side. Not that the Turkish drone isn't capable, quite the contrary, it is a very capable...
  2. mhosein

    Bayraktar TB2's Confirmed Kill List (759 targets - for now)

    The other side of the story!
  3. mhosein

    Thanks to China, Pakistan is now a power surplus country

    China did it's job in building the necessary infrastructure for Pakistan with to power it's economic rise. Now it's Pakistan's job to establish credible, accountable and proficient operation of it's electrical grid that afford Pakistani industries to capitalize on and surge forward with, into...
  4. mhosein

    Civil war erupts in India!!

    It's the daily dose of comical poke at the so called neighbor, that boasts as being the largest democracy in the world and who has already become a superpower (in their own alternate reality). Enjoy! :-)
  5. mhosein

    Economic superpower faked stats for years

    Japan had lost its shine around the 1990s. The straw that broke the camel's back, was the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis. And yes, American economy is based on a fraudulent monetary system and an economic model of capitalism that mutated into what we see today.
  6. mhosein

    Xi pledges Chinese support for Russia as tensions mount over Ukraine

    And you are basing this analysis on what evidence?
  7. mhosein

    Xi pledges Chinese support for Russia as tensions mount over Ukraine

    The China-Russia Alliance is the most important event in post WW1 history. This alliance has the economic and military power to successfully and decisively challenge and defeat the American lead West.
  8. mhosein

    Taliban Spox: Turkey is our brother, we have many points in common based on faith

    Having good relations between Mujahidin of Afghanistan and Turkey, is not the problem. The problem arises where Turkey wants to have military presence in Afghanistan. For what purpose? Any angle one looks at this, Turkey becomes an occupying foreign military in Afghanistan. Besides, Turkey does...
  9. mhosein

    Superpower on the Water: Does China Have a Massive 650-Ship Navy?

    Remind me, under whose thumb does Germany sit? Yeah ... I thought so!!
  10. mhosein

    Pakistan Army's T-129 ATAK Helicopter Deal | Updates & Discussions.

    I do question the susceptibility of the Atak Helicopter of being shot down by th YPG in Syria last year. What measures have Pakistan Army taken to ensure that the new gunships which Pakistan is to acquire, would have a robust defense system to avoid being shot down?
  11. mhosein

    Upcoming British Monarch visit to Pakistan

    And who do you suppose was behind the destruction and dismemberment of the Ottoman Caliphate? It was none other than your benevolent little fairy godmother, Britain! Turkey was foolish and naive to trust Britain then and Turkey is a bigger fool yet, trust Britain again. I guess the phrase "Once...
  12. mhosein

    Down your heads with shame. Even Israeli media reported Karachi

    Born and bred, Karachi. I have witnessed the demographics of this once great city, change dramatically. To the extent that I cannot even recognize this city anymore.
  13. mhosein

    Down your heads with shame. Even Israeli media reported Karachi

    PPP is essentially comprised of Sindhi elites, so-called feudal lords. I once had the misfortune of submitting a bid for a contract of rerouting the sewage system lines which applied methane storage auxiliary complex. The contract officiators were, well they were Sindhis. When I went in for the...
  14. mhosein

    Would conversion of C-130 into REK bomb truck help PAF strategic bombing?

    Too big, to slow and presents a juicy target for modern day peer adversary in conventional war.
  15. mhosein

    India, France to hold talks on defence buys today

    India is losing money fast, it's economy is tumbling on a downward spiral. Yet India continues to purchase expensive military hardware. The manner in which India is behaving, seems as though they are on a race against time. This sort of behavior pattern does not depict a positive outlook on...
  16. mhosein

    RSS Very Own Tulsi Gabbard falls short in qualifying for third Democratic presidential debate

    How is an American Congress woman connected to a fascist political armed-group in india?
  17. mhosein

    Boycott Indian Products Is Trending on Pakistani Twitter Right Now

    Rather than boycotting Indian products, just ban them completely. Essentially any thing which is Indian, either by manufacturers or by origin (exported from a different country, eg uk) to sap the life out of any Indian even thinking about exporting to Pakistan.
  18. mhosein

    Why Kosovo keeps extending blind support to Israel

    The people of Kosovo are betrayed by their leaders, if they are Muslim enough they would care. Sadly most in the Muslim World fail miserably to understand that Zionists exploit and manipulate Muslims on political lines. The best example is their exploitation of the Sunni-Shia Issue, which...
  19. mhosein

    India no longer the world’s fastest-growing major economy. Was it ever?

    There was a growing doubt about India's so-called economic miracle, from the get-go. One factor stared glaringly back at India, exposing the truth about the state of India's economy and that is it's unrelenting abject poverty. Real economic indicators are "NEVER" the stock markets. By virtue of...
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