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  1. mhosein

    on behalf of the Russian people, a plea to Putin to stop his invasion plans for western Ukraine

    Blaming China does not hide the fact that America's own left the back gate open. Profiteering Capitalist corporations sought China as manufacturing for cheap in order to maximize their profits. What they didn't count on was China doing anything more than just manufacturing. To cry about China...
  2. mhosein

    on behalf of the Russian people, a plea to Putin to stop his invasion plans for western Ukraine

    It is the West that is desperate for a war. As the pandemic draws down, the true state of faltering Western economies will become visible for all to see. Of course, Western leadership will blame it on the pandemic, but this wouldn't help escape the impending hyperinflation. The West is pointing...
  3. mhosein

    US Military Top Secret Anti-Gravity Spacecraft TR-3B

    Those who are scared outta their wits are trying to do the same to scare their opponents that they got tech to dominate with. Reality however is far from the nonsense they would have everyone believe.
  4. mhosein

    Russia orders army to prepare for war as UK and west have crossed redline

    My happiness has nothing to do with the fact that the The Sun news outlet is as good a news source as a paparazzi magazine. As for the current American president, well he is as credible as his memory serves him. That is of course, when he is not dozing off every other hour of the day.
  5. mhosein

    Russia orders army to prepare for war as UK and west have crossed redline

    The Sun is being called a reputed news source? :omghaha: :omghaha::omghaha:
  6. mhosein

    Novak Djokovic Arrested

    My sincerest apologies for spelling the Serbian tennis star's name incorrectly. It's spelt as, Djokovic and not Jokovich.
  7. mhosein

    Reddit Group Consisting of 15000 Men Belonging to "5000 Years Old Way of Life" Formed to Sexualize Muslim Women

    I am heartened to see that it was a Hindu, Indian who spotted this vile group on Reddit. Lo, not all Indians are without a conscience, nor all Hindus. I pray to Allah that Hindus find their moral soul and fight back against such fascist groups. The world can do without extremists, the world can...
  8. mhosein

    Cyberattack hits Ukraine as U.S. warns Russia could be prepping for war

    The news just shows how pitifully desperate the West is for war with Russia. For it isn't Russia who is economically declining at a steady pace, rather America, Britain and France. It's not Russia who actively armed and politically supported a blood stained Maidan Revolt against the...
  9. mhosein

    Featured US claims Russia planning ‘false-flag’ operation to justify Ukraine invasion

    It's the pot calling kettle, black! :omghaha: Seem like there is a brain drain at the State Department or the CIA has lost its clandestine shine. As the past two decades have demonstrated, Russia has not ever instigated war, nor has it used so-called false flag operations to start one. The...
  10. mhosein

    Turkey won't allow terrorist acts targeting China on Turkish soil: MOFA

    If true, then it's a boon for China. But as with everything generally, take it with a pinch of salt. Though I am optimistically hopeful that Turkey would extricate itself out of NATO & EU to become more East centric and become Islamic rather than secular.
  11. mhosein

    Ahmadi group rocked by rape allegations in UK

    Nationalities and Religion can be hijacked, but your FAITH in Allah cannot and shall not be hijacked by any who seek to deceive or manipulate people. Stand firm in your faith in Allah, immerse yourselves in the Holy Quran and take heart in the fact that your leader is Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho...
  12. mhosein

    Russian submarine hits UK warship’s sonar during chase in North Atlantic

    Vigilant, yes ... worried, no. In the end, it boils down to numbers and that's one thing uk does not have. Russia has taken the necessary steps to ensure it has qualitative technological advantage over its territory against any adversary.
  13. mhosein

    Indians can now travel 60 countries visa-free ,India’s passport rank improves to 83 from 90

    In the era of pandemic, vaccine mandates and with hyperinflation on the horizon, the only passport that qualifies for travel is the Rich Passport. Indians can beat the drums of superiority till the cows come home. The reality is that three quarters of India's population wouldn't be able to avail...
  14. mhosein

    CIA-trained Ukrainian paramilitaries may take central role if Russia invades

    Translation: CIA controlled Ukrainian combat units will trigger a response from Russia and the Western Mainstream will parrot the State Department's line that Russia has invaded Ukraine. Any Muslim who has an ounce of Imaan knows that Russia is not the one who will start this war. And a Muslim...
  15. mhosein

    Ahmadi group rocked by rape allegations in UK

    So my posts which were straight forward and not abusing anyone, were deleted. It's becoming more and more evident that there is a certain bias by certain mods on this forum.
  16. mhosein

    American values

    It's the same arrogance mentioned the Holy Quran of Firaun, the same arrogance of Yahud, the same arrogance of iblees and the same arrogance of Sodom and Gomorrah. Those who have love in their hearts for Allah, will always condemn such arrogance and this day n age, it's America, Britain, France...
  17. mhosein

    American values

    I don't recall Iran ever usurping the Bikini Islands, transporting the entire population of Bikini Island natives out of their lands to Iran in order to carry out Nuclear Tests on their territory, then transporting them back to a nuclear radiated Bikini Island. All the while telling the natives...
  18. mhosein

    Russia cutting underwater cables could be an 'act of war', says UK defence chief

    As far as submarine technology goes, Germany has a substantial base. Learning from history, British dominance of the seas back in 18th and 19th Century was mainly due to a multi front war that included many nations on the European continent. Russia today is a different country altogether and...
  19. mhosein

    Samba Dance Show of Half Naked Women from Brazil in Saudi Arabia!

    Well our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) prophecy has come true. Najd, as Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) declared, is Qarn-u-Shaitaan (the age of satan). In case anyone didn't know what or where Najd is, it is Western Arabia, i.e Riyadh, Doha, Manama and Abu Dhabi. Of those...
  20. mhosein

    Iran-China 25 year cooperation plan approved

    Is this to do with the $400 billion investment?
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