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  1. solid snake

    Russia courts the Muslim world

    I don't have my hopes pinned on a US-Pak alliance, I have my hopes pinned on a Pakistan friendly with all countries of the world :) (maybe except with India, until they learn to get over themsleves)
  2. solid snake

    Russia courts the Muslim world

    LOL the USA is not Pakistan's enemy. It is not Pakistan's friend, but it is not our enemy either. You are probably a conspiracy theory lover, so it will be pointless arguing about it. We should see the US the same way China sees it, as a fruitful partner in trade & commerce, and a country...
  3. solid snake

    Writings of Ben Gurion on Pakistan

    India was our enemy and it took advantage of a situation we (Mohajirs/Punjabis/Pathans) had created in our Eastern wing. We are to blame for putting ourselves in that vulnerable situation, and if you do that, I can assure you that your enemy will take advantage of it. This is like repeatedly...
  4. solid snake

    Mumbai Attacks

    Uh hello? A terrorist attack occurred in Bombay and China said that terrorists are active in regions surrounding it. That doesn't mean its saying that terrorists from Pakistan are in China. It simply means terrorists are active in India and Pakistan.
  5. solid snake

    India-Pakistan nuclear war would spell global calamity: study

    The US doesn't want to grab Pakistan's nuclear weapons, if they really didn't want Pakistan to have them, they would have attacked us back in the 90s when we were in the process of acquiring them. The US knows that our nukes keep the (relative) peace in South Asia, and they don't want to tip...
  6. solid snake

    Mumbai Attacks

    Not very hard for RAW to pay off a bunch of poor people in some village to say that some kid was their son, when the media shows up.
  7. solid snake

    Taliban in 72 percent of Afghanistan: report

    Yep, those Taliban in Pakistan are different from those in Afghanistan. RAW is funding the terrorists in FATA.
  8. solid snake

    Russia courts the Muslim world

    Iran is not a true ally of Pakistan, it is attempting to scuttle the Gwadar port and has closer ties with India, than with us. It is not in Pakistan's interests to see a nuclear armed Iran. Russia however, is another story. We can and should forge closer ties with them, especially with India...
  9. solid snake

    Writings of Ben Gurion on Pakistan

    The division of Pakistan was as a result of policies and treatment of West Pakistanis towards East Pakistani's, no other country of the world can be blamed for the creation of Bangladesh, except Pakistan itself.
  10. solid snake

    Writings of Ben Gurion on Pakistan

    The world has changed much since 1967. Pakistan now has secret relations with Israel. Not relations per se, but dialog and assurances are exchanged, at the very least.
  11. solid snake

    India-Pakistan nuclear war would spell global calamity: study

    I agree with you, neither Zia nor Mushy could have survived without US support for long. Pakistan is not Cuba or Zimbabwe, and if the US wasn't supporting these two generals, they would not be able to survive for long on the throne of power. We saw that as the US shifted its focus from one guy...
  12. solid snake

    A Breakdown in Transporting Supplies to Afghanistan

    My friends dad is involved in this NATO supply business. He's a multi-billionaire.
  13. solid snake

    Mumbai Attacks

    How can we be expected to believe anything that this terrorist confesses to? It is quite clear that much of what he says will be extracted under duress. That means the Indians can make him say anything they want.
  14. solid snake

    Mistrust of India Forges Sense of Unity in Pakistan

    Completely untrue. From the Indian media to the Prime Minister to the common man on the street, all we heard in the aftermath of the attacks was Pakistan, Pakistan, Pakistan, Pakistan, Pakistan. When Condolezza Rice came to visit, the questions all involved Pakistan. It doesn't matter if the...
  15. solid snake

    Pakistan and the world in 2025

    Quite funny how a harmless looking problem which began as a worry and has now escalated into a worldwide recession and possibly even depression has triggered the beginning of the end of Uncle Sam's time at the throne, all by himself. I am talking about the mortgage crisis of the US that...
  16. solid snake

    Bangladesh to get own Taj Mahal

    No, I have only 1 country and you can see which flag is displayed to the left. Take it easy man, why so touchy? Something very original could have been built with $53 million. The fact that he chose to build one replica, and that to of a monument from a neighboring country, does not go down...
  17. solid snake

    Bangladesh to get own Taj Mahal

    This is ridiculous, I'd be ashamed if a cheap knockoff of the Taj was being built in my country. Build something original.
  18. solid snake

    Mumbai Attacks

    This is the first time in my life that I've heard of any Pakistani connection with the separatism in China. Of course, since it's an Indian source, it cannot be trusted at all.
  19. solid snake

    Incompetent Indian commandos killed the Jews

    When the Lal Masjid fiasco happened, Pakistani electronic and print media heavily criticized the government and military for allowing the standoff to occur in the first place. The Indian media is also criticizing their government for the intelligence failure. But also, the Pakistani public and...
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