Read the article Bro they said The protest was to Show solidarity with shia sunni over the Foriegn entity that is destroying the country to cause Sectarian Violence and told both shia sunni to Stand together against these
"thank you come again":cheers:
yes it does number one cause of destruction of moral values , HOW does it sound when a man is Drunk and Blame Some one else with which he had one too many shots of blasphemy and then the Idiots that Without Knowing the Facts Listened to him and i know that you know that i know In Pakistan...
if i can buy a house In pakistan i will move their but its very expensive to buy it in pakistan
thank you come again:cheers:
dude you live in canada right????? do you have a sister ?????? Does she have a boyfriend ???????? If yes then its cool if no then you probably dont know about her and...
same can be said about canada Dude and i cannot vote in pakistan but i do vote in america and as soon as they started to ban our second amendment Every one is complaining because they think canadian gun laws and British gun laws would work in AMerica Which is the land of the Free Not like your...
GUYS my comment was not directed to defend the act or justify the act so please take a chill pill, And HERE IN USA ALCOHOL was banned for decades and when it was allowed the countries social life and moral factors took a dive to where now you have every thing from relating to child abuse women...
Basically he says that india have less poverty then pakistan its civillian governance is very good then pakistan and the military is very diciplined then pakistan also very advance in tactics and strategy and to date india has not lost war with anyone and the sino indian war the true facts are...
ROFL wow Only a Canodian would, try to differenciate between citizens and government, hahahahahahah you know people vote every where okay
"thank you come again":cheers: