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  1. nasa

    Who are Sri Lanka’s close allies?

    Sorry to Say this, I see some comments from our closest neighbours country saying we massacred innocents killed them blah blah, Honestly, yea honestly you have been watching too much propaganda videos maybe from Channel 4 maybe, those innocent people whom you think are killed by the rebels...
  2. nasa

    Sri Lanka Air force Retires Kfir jets

    From the views of the fellow members, I think SLAF shouldnt go for F-16 unless its a block -60 which they wont sell at all ... Gripens as Zabanya said are expensive, JF-17 are rugged but for a sub continental warfare Mig might be a good solution...Anything from the EU would be highly unlikely...
  3. nasa

    China wants SAARC plus One arrangement (SAARC+1)

    Washington is even forecasting going hard on China since trillion dollar debts are still unpaid due to bailouts...And there inviting the're allies, US will be treated like a scavenger apart from a certain nation whose already in the SAARC, so it means the're beyond any capable reasoning... :peace:
  4. nasa

    China wants SAARC plus One arrangement (SAARC+1)

    I have no issues coz theres nothing SAARC can do even if I do... The point that beats me is that like having observers from Japan, Australia Russia, might even push for long run consequences like Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria getting into EU, remember most were former Soviet nations and were...
  5. nasa

    Sri Lanka Air force Retires Kfir jets

    Hi all , Im new here, so just giving my idea... Lankan Ranger remember there was a time when SLAF were interested in Mig-29's, Is it called off or they speculating a purchase of JF-17's :peace:
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