Why is he misguided? Because he supports the BJP?
Thats why I could a give a damn about unmarked Mass graves... let it continue for centuries.
All of India should celebrate him as a true martyr.....not like that pos Burhan Wani.
He realized he and his ancestors were all hindus forcibly...
If something like a name change can make such moves ineffective then it high time to write and pass bills that counter such acts properly without any room to game the system. And it will be...
Plz I dont need a commisssion to tell me Modi was innocent. its quite obvious your congress party wanted to nail me before he became a threat to their power
The unmarked hraves contain the bodies of dirty foreigb miltants with no ID who infiltrated across from pakistan
Its not the BJP's fault. The blame lies squarely on china. The BJP is merely following the What the ppl demand. Congress has a shot, not much of a shot but a shot nonetheless lol
Tejas was a good effort and we gained tremendous experience but why the rush to incorproate this if ee can do better? So many countries design a product only to roll it back or shelf it, then focus on building a better product? China and the US does it all the time.... so why are trying to push...
Sure....but you are overlooking the problems that India had to deal with for decades. India was pretty much in the same boat as China. In fact, I think it was worse. Our biggest enemy was a major corrupt political party that was the biggest hurdle that hindered speedy India's progress. Also...
An embargo on Chinese shit products would surely help
And don't forget all the assistance from Russia, employing 1000's of Russian scientists from the former USSR and massive theft of information....really incredible