Hi guys,
I read a few tread back that PAC can produce a fixed number of JF17s yearly/monthly, so I want to know if they are currently operating at full speed (if at all), so by that what would be the total number as of today?
This is all that you and luffys little brains can't think, "please dont hurt my tribal buttbuddies, just let us bomb the rest of pakistan"
I don't believe the lives of tribal barbarians who dont know who to act civilised are more important than those of all the dozens of ethnicities living in...
I have mixed feelings about the palestinians, I've met 2 that I know personally very well and they are the nicest people ever, and I'm not just saying that, they're just plain nice in comparison to most other nationalities. Maybe the ones who who have lived their lives there might be traumatized...
I have no idea about that 5,000 jews thing, tbh I didn't even know what jews were. About the dancing, I'm sure as far as my neighborhood is concerened, it's a rather quiet place with friendly people and honestly you'd be an outcast if you were 'dancing'. This 'dancing' thing you imagine comes...
The target audience are from the same country, the effect on you of shock and surprise doesn't apply to those whom it's talking about, rather the Pakistani audience will feel offended by the clear attempt to embarras them using a below the belt hit in the form of an anecdote. I was also pretty...
@Solomon2 very interesting, I'll be sure to remember using this in my english essays. Make up a story, and say it was you as a kid, no one can deny it! Pretty smart in a sick twisted kind of way.
Yeah I get it, but the truth is we're both over analyzing reality is different, guys(minus equally unfortunate exceptions) could prolly never imagine the horror, I'm sure it's some form of extreme panic and no one can be so calculating