I do not think that war is the intention at least not yet. However in the situations where forces are having skirmishes anything can happen. The brinkmanship May lead to war and that will be a disaster not only for the region but the whole World. Oil prices will hit the roof and the finely...
That is a point but one can give non sensitive work. Without private sector US or iWest would not be here where they are today. Take the time and work slowly towards the integration of private sector.
Every export is good.
Australia New Zealand exports are farming related, Holland exports Tulips, Chile fruit.
Just maintain the quality and increase exports
I was just driving the point home, I know they never will but no harm in trying. Cheers
Blind loyalty to the corrupt leaders is the root cause of problems in various countries and Pakistan is no exception.
Have ever travelled in Qatar Airlines I repeat it is one of the cheapest Airlines to US.
All others likes of Nawaz and Zardari used to take full plane come on this guy is taking commercial flight so you should be proud of him.
Some people will never be happy PIA does not have commercial flights to US
Really I travel with Qatar it is the most economical Airline. What is wrong?
I tend to agree with you about Pakistanis being exploited. Then this happens all over the World but the nature and extent is different. This needs to change and long term welfare of the country and people should be the guiding light.
They were different types of eras in Pakistan and the biggest problem was the last decade when in the name of Democracy most of the corruption was done.
Elaborating the anarchy part it does not have to be full scale but not paying taxes and protesting against paying them appear to be anarchy...
Let us see how much Pakistan earns from Chinese investment and the repayment of loan.
If corrupt leaders looted US money it is not the giving countries fault. Let us be realistic and honest. There is a lot of military hardware being used by Pakistan which was given by US and China.
The problem is emotional intelligence and people are easily manipulated using emotional tactics. Emotions represent life but should be well controlled and directed in the right direction. Right now since Bhutto people have been emotionally exploited because they allow others to do so.
Blind following eventually leads to destruction either by the leaders or external forces.
In some cases it results in rebel attitude and anarchy but after a long long time.
Well military ties are slightly different than defense ties. Military ties are more related to cooperation between militaries
Military ties can lead to defense ties but it will take some time and a lot give and take