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  1. MadDog

    Afrasiab Khattak,Bushra Gohar, Mohsin Dawar & Ali Wazir in Afghanistan

    Let PTM leadership get close to Kabul, this will give them a bad name among Pakistan's Pashtuns. These speeches in Kabul are already being criticized by Pashtuns in Pakistan. They will be looked upon as a resurrection of dead NAP/Pakhtun Zalmay which brought nothing but misery to Pashtuns...
  2. MadDog

    ISIS Emir (Scumbag) killed by Pakistan Forces

    Pakistan would never accept this airstrike. Pakistan officially rejected Afghan govt claim of Pakistani airstrikes in Kunar. Reports indicate ISIS cheif was killed in those airstrikes. Its good Afghan govt has claimed killing him. Pakistan's new posture was much needed. This will give a face...
  3. MadDog

    Pakistan Army's VT-4 Main Battle Tank | Updates & Discussions

    Exactly, In 1980s even M1 Abrams failed trials in Bahawalpur Desert Region due to extremly high temperatures. Simmilarly, Pakistan also demanded improvements for Oplot M after trials. Now improved VT4 is back for trials. Even Indian T-90s face technical difficulties in that desert region. It has...
  4. MadDog

    Why Pakistan MUST consider Afghan civilians as its own

    1) Afghans despise Pakistan and refuse to even recognize Pakistan's territorial integrity to this day. This has nothing to do with Taliban. Afghan regimes have been supporting insurgencies in Pakistan from 1940s, even invaded Bajaur in 1960. Pakistan reciprocated 1975 onwards. 2) Pakistan has...
  5. MadDog

    Russia to send its Afghanistan special envoy to India

    History has proven it. No one needs to tell anyone. Pakistan and Afghanistan have a huge ethnic overlap, that gives Pakistan tremendous influence. Afghanistan's East and South literally depends upon Pakistan for survival. From medicine, to food products, to day to day goods, all come from...
  6. MadDog

    Afghan Army to be reshaped on Indian Army model: US

    Posting on PDF won’t change facts on ground. Facts on ground are that entire US military supply lines run through Pakistan’s transit routes, ground facilities and ports. The other two options (Iran and Russia) aren't available to US in the current geopolitical scenario, esp after US imposed...
  7. MadDog

    Bangladesh GDP per capita hasn't crossed Pakistani GDP per capita

    207.8 million according to census results last month. Wrong. Its 207.8 million according to results of census released last month.
  8. MadDog

    AH 1Z Cobra Awaiting delivery to Pakistan Army

    Any link to confirm this.
  9. MadDog

    Bangladesh GDP per capita hasn't crossed Pakistani GDP per capita

    Wrong. Pakistan's growth rate for 2017 is 5.2%. Pakistan's GDP has increased to $304 Billion. http://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2017/05/19/pakistan-to-record-highest-growth-rate-in-nine-years-wb-report...
  10. MadDog

    Pakistan hints at retaliation after US withheld funds "negotiate access to air/land corridors"

    The aid is barely few hundred million dollars. Pakistan itself offered $500 Million aid to Afghanistan and spent another $500 million on Infrastructure projects in Afghanistan. Pakistan is a $304 Billion economy, this aid isn't needed. US gives aid to many countries to maintain leverage ...
  11. MadDog

    Pakistan’s exports to most regions have plunged

    Pakistan's trade deficit has widened since the import of heavy machinery being used in construction of Infrastructure, Roads, Energy Power Plants under CPEC Project. Let 46 SEZs come into full swing under CPEC (Nine SEZ's initially) then the trade deficit will reduce.
  12. MadDog

    US will not pay Pakistan for military reimbursements: Pentagon

    Pakistan is a $304 Billion economy now. Pakistan itself offered $500 Million Aid to Afghanistan and in addition to that spent another $500 Million on Infrastructure projects in Afghanistan. Stopping $50 million will have zero effect on Pakistan. Its literally funny. US aid isn't even needed...
  13. MadDog

    Pakistan treats US as a 'limitless ATM': Raymond Davis

    Bro, I don't want to get into childish competition. Here are reports from your own media. India has been the highest recipient of US Economic aid in 66 year period receiving $65.1 Billion from 1946-2012. It was even more than what Israel received...
  14. MadDog

    UAE foreign minister visits Armenian Genocide Memorial

    @Kambojaric Pakistan's relations with Turkey are deepening to an unprecedented level. From manufacturing ships to submarines to gunships, both countries are collaborating. Turkey is also involved in investments within Pakistan. Moreover, the relations with Azerbaijan are deepening too. They...
  15. MadDog

    Afghan military calls for Pakistan to launch operations on ‘terrorist centers’ throughout country

    Hmm, Al-Nusra Front was also recognized as a terrorist entity by UN yet Israel provided them support, even treated its wounded on its soil. Here is UN list, which includes Al Nusra Front in it https://www.un.org/press/en/2013/sc11019.doc.htm Here is Former Mossad Chief accepting that Al Nusra...
  16. MadDog

    Pakistan treats US as a 'limitless ATM': Raymond Davis

    The guy writing it has personal grudge. Little does he know, Pakistan is now a $304 sized Billion economy. US Economic Aid is barely $500-600 million. Pakistan itself offered $500 Million Aid to Afghanistan and launched development projects worth additional $500 Million in Afghanistan. This aid...
  17. MadDog

    Operation Khyber-4, PAF takes out Eight militants

    Yup, Pakistan Army is a battle hardened force. Such operations give troops realtime war experience which is unmatched.
  18. MadDog

    Afghan military calls for Pakistan to launch operations on ‘terrorist centers’ throughout country

    @Solomon2 Pakistan has clearly conveyed to Americans by being blunt, that Haqqanis are a major player in Afghanistan whether Kabul likes it or not. Pakistan has clearly told ,that it is not our duty to bring peace in Afghanistan, which can only come through dialogue. This was reported by RUSI...
  19. MadDog

    Viral Sach - China Rocket attack on Indian army post

    China-India fight was a fake news by Dunya News. They used pictures of the damage done by Pakistan Army's strikes in Poonch sector of LOC. Indian Politician from Congress Party , Salman Nizami had shared the pictures of damage done by strikes of Pakistani forces. Indian media had also...
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