I was reading a little about side effects of Iraq's chemical attacks on next generation of Iranians and the same problem of fertility rate.
I wonder if there is a scientific research about the said effects on future generation or not.
The same issue can be followed by looking at comparison...
Kifaru or in Parsi/Persian کیفارو
It can be the same pronunciation of Kif haru or کیف هارو
Some people in Iran may say it when they want to show wallets/bags to other people:D
(oh look at the) wallets/bags.
I have no idea what it means in Kenya.
Targeting oil and its products means targeting 40-60% of Iran's exports.No country can compete in current world with shady businesses in her 50% deals.
If you want to equally respond to it you should make 50% export of other countries illegal according to your own laws then start using random...
France ( biggest EU country ) + Germany
28 + 16 = 44 still less than 47 :)
I think 2021 was the worst year of Iran's annual rainfall in past 50 years but did it change behavior of people in places of power ? No they farmed what they needed and exported some outside and we consumed some...
تا اونجا که من میدونم وظیفه وزارت کشور برگزاری انتخابات هست و نه اینجور مسائل که اینجا عنوان شده
جالبه که این جملات رنگو بوی حمایت از چند تا گروه و حزب خاص میده در حالی که حقوق اساسی عموم مردم داره کنار گذاشته میشه
چطور میشه انتخابات آزاد برگزار کرد در حالی که مناظره که میتونه منطق،...
Another important issue could be general picture of our agriculture :
For example case of advantages and disadvantages of potato and wheat :
(google top results) per 1kg .
The calorie count per serving of Organic Whole Wheat Flour is 366.86.
There are 700 calories in 1,000 grams of...
Iran & Uzbakistan should benefit from their unparalleled historical, cultural & scientific affinities to expand relations
Stressing on the importance of expnading relations between Iran and Uzbekistan, Imam Khamenei referred to the unparalleled historical, cultural and scientific affinity...
We export a lot and import a little less when it comes to food. acts like this will put some farmers out of work due to having less water to farm ( government based economy ) and less jobs for people but generates more wealth for the country (governments are come and go every 4-8 years but...
Iraq oil production was close to 4.2 mbpd at 2021 and it's consumption was close to 1 million barrel per day.
Iran oil production was close to 2.5 in that time while consumption was close to 2 mbpd.
For a couple of years our oil and gas exports are close to $50 billion. and non oil and gas...
Not all of the anti Iranian words and statements are coming from hate or ill will for certain people or laws inside Iran and not all of the kind words that coming from so called arzeshi brothers are coming for the sake of supporting the country and/or Islam.
I have few questions :
Where Fattah belongs when we talk about family heritage of our missiles ?Which family ?
Apart from missile design it would be interesting to shed light on its guidance system and its fuel type also would be other important parts. how do you compare these advancement in...
شهری در کانادا که مردمانش فارسی صحبت میکنند!
مطالعات آماری در کانادا نشان میدهد که علاوه بر انگلیسی، زبان فارسی نیز در شهر ونکوور رایج است.
یکی از کاربران توئیتر با انتشار تصویر زیر نوشت: من الان متوجه یه چیز عجیب شدم و اونم اینه که جنوب وست ونکوور زبان اول فارسی هست نه انگلیسی!!!!
Pakistan to Start Bartering Trade with Iran
Pakistan’s agricultural sector will largely benefit from this. With the export of meat, fruits, vegetables, and rice to these countries, Pakistan will be able to demonstrate the quality and variety of its produce to the international market...
Pakistan to Start Bartering Trade with Iran
Pakistan’s agricultural sector will largely benefit from this. With the export of meat, fruits, vegetables, and rice to these countries, Pakistan will be able to demonstrate the quality and variety of its produce to the international market...