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  1. Naram_Sin

    Iraqi protests and popular uprising

    Sadr, through a message, calls for the general population to join his efforts, it would appear he attempts to lead a soft coup. An excellent opportunity to get rid of the IRGC elements infesting the state no doubt, an armed confrontation is not unlikely but no major change comes without a...
  2. Naram_Sin

    Iraq: Eight killed by shelling on popular tourist resort in Kurdistan

    This is a good opportunity to kick the Turkish bases out of the country regardless of who it is behind the attack. The militias already started shelling some of the bases, though their actions are unlikely to be fueled by national fervor. There is no reason to sustain any Turkish presence, it...
  3. Naram_Sin

    Israel boosts ties with Arab allies, Palestinians not included

    I believe as far as the middle east is concerned this problem extends beyond the Arabs, What can Turkey and Iran offer that Arab states cannot ? However, It is indeed of great concern that, here we are a 100 years post the oil revolution, still squandering this once in a time opportunity to...
  4. Naram_Sin

    Israel boosts ties with Arab allies, Palestinians not included

    With the rise of Isis and the following destruction to Sunni provinces, Iraqi Sunni's wont be thinking about contributing or hosting in their region any form of non internationally approved military insurgency at least for a couple of generations. However, Sunnis in the Middle east and...
  5. Naram_Sin

    How China is Reforesting the Gobi Desert into Forest - The Great Green Wall

    Chinese expertise in this field would be of great benefit to countries in the Middle East.
  6. Naram_Sin

    Israel boosts ties with Arab allies, Palestinians not included

    Arabs are facing existential challenges, specially so in west asia where GGC states are in a state closer to the description of being dominated , their main regional adversary surrounds them with proxy's in 4 Arab nations, repeatedly attacks their key infrastructure, directly threatens the UAE's...
  7. Naram_Sin

    Israel boosts ties with Arab allies, Palestinians not included

    Another step towards the Arab-Israel nato, I suppose Bahrain is just a placeholder for Saudi Arabia. Strange bedfellows for sure but not uncommon in history, war did bring capitalists and communists together before. Arabs have a leadership crysis, they haven't been in charge of their own...
  8. Naram_Sin

    Iran operation against Mossad in Iraq

    Oh dear, just in case the 24 missiles part didn't make it clear enough I was merely trolling. Having ties and cooperation is one thing, having physical bases on the ground is another, never mind that even if there were it is simply illegal to commit such a clearly aggressive act, but such minor...
  9. Naram_Sin

    Iran operation against Mossad in Iraq

    Why ask for evidence ? Did Iran send Iraq solid proof regarding the presence of Zionist bases ?
  10. Naram_Sin

    Iran operation against Mossad in Iraq

    Once time allows, we should shoot Al-Qaida locations in Iran, they are a globally recognized terror group and a regional threat that needs to be taken care of. Maybe 24 missiles.
  11. Naram_Sin

    Why Pakistan is coming down hard on Iran

    They are overtly recruiting Pakistanis to fight for their own interests, one can conclude with near certainty that they already have covert cells all over Pakistan, what else does one need to take note ?
  12. Naram_Sin

    Why Pakistan is coming down hard on Iran

    It is baffling how so many Pakistanis do no not see the threat that the Mullah regime in Iran represents, the sooner you swallow the pill the better, its not getting smaller but for sure it can get bigger.
  13. Naram_Sin

    Bashar Al-Assad visits UAE

    A long overdue step, Assad played a historical role in thwarting Turkey's expansion schemes, a statue of his figure from pure gold should be erected by every GCC state. It is mind blowing how the GCC could not foresee the existential threat they would be facing had Assad fallen by their own...
  14. Naram_Sin

    Suspected Turkish warplanes heavily bomb Duhok village (civilians)

    This is nothing new, Turkey has over 25 illegal bases in the north and has been conducting air strikes for years now. Their incursions won't be challenged until we finish cleaning our house from groups with foreign allegiances.
  15. Naram_Sin

    EXCLUSIVE: IRGC strike on Mossad base in Iraq targets 10 Israeli operatives, issues regional warning

    This framework of thinking is appropriate for conducting interpersonal relations in your local neighborhood, it cannot be used to any capacity in politics, terms like 'help' entail a different meaning in a political context than it does at the 'community' level, because in geopolitics it is...
  16. Naram_Sin

    EXCLUSIVE: IRGC strike on Mossad base in Iraq targets 10 Israeli operatives, issues regional warning

    That I advocate a possible tactical alliance with the GCC/Israel against the IRGC does not imply in the slightest that I consider them as credible sources of information or that I have a particular preference or any sort of appreciation to either. Truth is what is perceived by the public which...
  17. Naram_Sin

    EXCLUSIVE: IRGC strike on Mossad base in Iraq targets 10 Israeli operatives, issues regional warning

    To remove all foreign presence would be the best outcome of any design, being realists, however, this can only be limited to hard power, i.e foreign bases and militias, while we can try and reduce the soft power influence to manageable levels. Also we cannot engage all foreign actors...
  18. Naram_Sin

    EXCLUSIVE: IRGC strike on Mossad base in Iraq targets 10 Israeli operatives, issues regional warning

    Marvelous... Someone who knows me more than I do, do tell what else do I prefer ? You can put your behind at ease knowing that I could careless wether there was or wasn't anything of worth in that villa. It was necessary to clarify the outcast status enjoyed by the personas behind some of the...
  19. Naram_Sin

    EXCLUSIVE: IRGC strike on Mossad base in Iraq targets 10 Israeli operatives, issues regional warning

    Oh dear... A tweet from that IRGC zombie Ahmed, the sheer amount of feces thrown at him with every tweet is enough to power a small nation.
  20. Naram_Sin

    Erbil, Iraq: Ballistic Missiles used to strike a house near US Consulate

    Fascinating, I did speak of those who build elaborated scenarios upon an idealistic world, which was just me being polite, delusional is the correct term and the one i,m afraid most appropriate for your kind contribution. Turkey will annex what it can when it can, as will Iran, as will russia...
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