I wanted this missile too
But come to think of it No we AMRAAM and the SD 10 thats all we need for now we dont wanna be like the Indians were we have a Billion different systems form a Billion sources that cant integrate
If anything we should develop our own air to air missile
i think they are strong enough state to handle such a "loss"
dont get me wrong i want Israel to be wiped of the map and the land to be given to its rightfull owners
the problem with Muslims that they follow there religious text to the word
not like Jews and Christians who routinely break and bend there doctrine for there own benefit im just saying we should be more like them
Norway Sweden Israel seem to do just fine especially Israel who has probably the most lethal armed force any where in the world because Everyone contributes
Anyways i dont want to die in this hill
Let get women in Muslim countries into jobs and entrepreneurship roles and have them...
Ah yes the old sister mother argument
This argument doesn't make any sense because
1. men can be "shot down and then sexually abused by the captors":rolleyes:
2. "What if your mother sister Blablahblah how would you react" trust me dude if it was up to me 90% of the human wouldn't exits
technology negates strengths a woman with a gun is just as deadly as a man if Bangladesh wants to industrialize or any country for that matter in these troubling times it has to abandoned old and put a 100% its population to work