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  1. W

    Japan's Abe to change post-war constitution

    I disagree , Perhaps people in India died of starvation due to lack of food ,there is no historical reference where India was exporting grain to other power countries while there was famine and its people were starving China refusing to accept food aid due to your leaders pride , here is the...
  2. W

    Japan's Abe to change post-war constitution

    look mate ! , we are going back and forth , you believe what you believe like we will believe what we believe , also what are referencing India here for .. I am not Indian or Pakistani and don't know if there was genocide in India , please feel free to let me and tell me what you know You...
  3. W

    You Think the Air in Beijing Is Bad? Try New Delhi

    never mind got it , mod , pls delete this post
  4. W

    India is losing the race: NY Times

    I got the results from World bank , they lend pretty much to every country on this planet and I believe its more reputable than your Indian Media :hitwall: 1) median age of India is 25.9 while china is 35.9 2) yup dream on 3) agree! , but this investment doesn't mean India will...
  5. W

    India is losing the race: NY Times

    As per World Bank , between 2004 and 2011 China's GDP rose from 1.83 trillion to 7.3 trillion. while India's rose from 721.5 billion to 1.8 trillion . Before GFC there was more capital flow all around which is not the case anymore You can see this in GDP growth from 2008-09 China grew from...
  6. W

    Japan's Abe to change post-war constitution

    BS!!! , Genocide is "the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group". error of calculation you say, for what , to prove to the others that the china is a fairy land , even after repeated request of aid from others including...
  7. W

    India is losing the race: NY Times

    ya hopefully it works out for y`all , we would love to increase our trade with India , currently we are depended on the Chinese , every time there a bad news from china , our dollar drops ( which isn't a bad thing) and stocks fall !! We would love to open new trade routes but India is so slow...
  8. W

    India is losing the race: NY Times

    :rofl: :rofl: love how you say " just 5 years behind " ... do you work for the Indian media ? 15 yrs ago it was 5 yrs behind !! :)
  9. W

    Japan's Abe to change post-war constitution

    Fair enough! , don't really want understand , just wanted to point your closet isn't clean either !!
  10. W

    Japan's Abe to change post-war constitution

    I agree to disagree!, death by genocide and war are the same as its death of innocent life, hence intentional acts of Mao had cause the greatest tragedy in human history during peace time Period !. You can flip it the anyway you want to please yourself , wont change the fact !
  11. W

    Japan's Abe to change post-war constitution

    look , i don't care if you worship Mao or CCP I don't even care what you think of these article , its your countrymen who died( cause of your leader) in one of the greatest epic sage and tragedy in human history ( apart form wars - WW1 and WW2) , Calling it a lie , whom are you trying...
  12. W

    Japan's Abe to change post-war constitution

    yes , I understand Japan's apologies might not be enough for the Chinese , constantly rubbing it just going inflict wound within the Chinese community , I was trying to stop that hence my statement. its part of history now , however hurtful it might be , no point in talking about it all the...
  13. W

    Japan's Abe to change post-war constitution

    You never going to satisfy every one , its impossible !!!
  14. W

    Japan's Abe to change post-war constitution

    Japan has issued apologies many many times from 50's to 2010's read this List of war apology statements issued by Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Before you start pointing fingers , you be surprised to know who got the top spot ( in the past 200 yrs) and was responsible for the...
  15. W

    Will India join strategic containment of China?

    I don't know what you just wrote in Chinese , On Mongolia :- Stalin insisted on Republic of China's recognition of Outer Mongolia's independence - something that it already enjoyed de facto even as it remained a part of China de jure. Chiang Kai-shek resisted the idea but eventually gave...
  16. W

    Will India join strategic containment of China?

    Idea of India ( 1947) is no different to Idea of China ( 1912) , collection old empires and dynasties so Sikh wars with tibet is no different to Yang , Ming and Qing dynasties both references are new to modern times. i didn't get what you mean that , are you implying I am Indian ?
  17. W

    Will India join strategic containment of China?

    Sorry forgot about this post, am aware of how India became a country But there was no country call China until the creation of Republic of China in 1912 and although Tibet was rules as an autonomous country during the reign of Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties on and off , it had got its...
  18. W

    India urges China to ensure dams don't harm its interests

    OMG!!!! :rofl::rofl: Hell has frozen !!! Love the clip
  19. W

    Japan's Abe to change post-war constitution

    https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2013/01/28/chin-j28.html This article is laughable, even more laughable is the General's comments , I fail to comprehend how these guys become Generals or Admiral's in the 1st place, even more perplexing are the rhetorical comments they make. Yes China can...
  20. W

    Toothless sanctions? Iranian oil trade booming, China top buyer

    Thanks , it a pleasure to finally chat with you , you do write some good/long posts! , wish I had such patience's, have learned a lot about Pakistan after reading your posts . Cheers
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