Raising taxes does not seem to play a role in stimulating the economy.Such contradictory policies , how can the economy turns for the better.United States to use currency transfer risk,This is America 's unique ability.
Constantly crashes,Restructuring.Adapt to social changes.o_OChanges in the history of China,Posterity are summarized previous experience in power.No dynasty , is the collapse of the end of this form .
Everyone living in different environments,You have to accept education determines your view of things,Finally, draw the right conclusions you think.So I can not blame you.In contrast,I want to tell you This is a world of diverse cultural thought.
In fact China has been promoting ASEAN integration.This is to ensure stability in East Asia.ASEAN needs to be sufficiently independent,Forces outside the region to avoid interference。China, as a neighbor,We do not like chaos , such as the Middle East 's environment.:sleep:America certainly want...
Vietnam hostile to China,I say you do not believe more。When the ship hit the rocks,Our concern is the boat to sail,
You are more concerned with their own fish will fall into the sea。:coffee:
I do not like brain fever militant rhetoric,There is no room for compromise on issues of principle.It began in Japan,Japan will come to end differences,Japan's future depends on how the United States.I'm a realist,I do not think Japan will defy the U.S. so Maintain the status quo has been the...
This is from a Japanese invention----Can be transformed into a beverage vending machine
You really think the bear has been "like " eat , will automatically leave.
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