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  1. H

    UN, Indian Officials Agree India Worse Than Pakistan, Bangladesh in Food, Hygiene

    Get a Life Frustrated Riaz, Ur own Blogs ur own facts :woot::woot:, you ought to be a Fool or a Frustu to post ur won Blog post, clearly dispaltying Insecurity :rofl:. Do you want me to post barrage of youtube videos on pakistani Poverty, corruption and schizophrenia! hhahahha some of u r so...
  2. H

    Pakistani-American arrested in Times Square bomb plot

    NY bomb probe takes new turn; man of Pak origin held NEW YORK/WASHINGTON: “We will not be terrorised,” declared US President Barack Obama on Tuesday as American authorities announced the arrest of a Pakistani-American in connection with the failed car bomb attack in New York’s Times Square...
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    Pakistani-American arrested in Times Square bomb plot

    Pakistan arrests relatives of NY bomb suspect KARACHI: In the wake of the arrest of a US citizen of Pakistani origin in the United States, Pakistani law-enforcement agencies swung into action here on Tuesday and picked up two suspects – a friend and the father-in-law of Faisal Shahzad. The...
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    Pakistani-American arrested in Times Square bomb plot

    Pakistani-American arrested in Times Square bomb plot NEW YORK: US police arrested a Pakistani-American in the Times Square bomb plot as he tried to board a New York-Dubai flight, and investigators said Tuesday the wide-ranging probe was extending overseas. US authorities identified the...
  5. H

    US must end discrimination towards Pakistan: Qureshi

    This is funny! How is US discrimination against pakistan? By giving you AID in Billions to run a Bankrupt Economy or By supplying Free F-16s or Attacking by Drones North pakistan where Taliban is beheading solders?
  6. H

    Jaguar Darin II

    A pakistani talking about denial is not just funny but helarious, considering the fact that history books in pakistani schools teach lies and its governmet and army has been living in constant denials and feeding lie to its awam e.g its Losses in wars, Good Taliban Vs Bad Taliban, AID seeker...
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    Jaguar Darin II

    This so called coffin scandle was the brainchild of the opposition and communist parties, but nothing could be proven till now, as it had no substance just a gimik to take advantage in election. George Fernandis was an Honest man, was again elected Defense Minister for your Information. Do some...
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    Jaguar Darin II

    I am not trolling moonlight, I am replying to earlier statements. If you think I am trolling, don't reply and learn to ignore if you must. Avoid showing your kiddish behavior. GOI ordered 5000 coffins?? I never read about it, probably its another pakistani army rant, similar to recent cheap...
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    Jaguar Darin II

    There is no doubt IAF Blew pakistani army/Jihadi/mujahideens and Thousands died and PAF did not come for the rescue as usual. PM Nawaz, had no other option than to run to USA again, for saving pakistani lives due to one mans Madness, which had killed more than 4000 pakistanis; as this war...
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    Jaguar Darin II

    What I know IAF conducted sorties during Kargil war on Pakistani Troops, killing hundreds of PA/mujahids/jihadis on our side of LOC and PAF remained in hiding even when their countrymen were dieing in large numbers!
  11. H

    Remembering a war 1962

    Lets not Forget we learned from 1962 debacle of Nehru's Hindi-Chinni bhai bhai foolishness (as we know a communist is the worst type of capitalist). Gave a befiiting reply to chinese: 1) Chola incident in 1967 and 2) 1987 Sino-Indian skirmish How can you all forget these? :devil...
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    India Eyes 'Patriot Missile' - Deal

    Patriots are no match for S-300 and more advanced S-400, even US has bought S-300 to evaluate the Russian technology. S-300 and especially S-400, are far too superior modreately prised than Patriots. India is better of with Superior Russian tech than inferior outdated american...
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    India Eyes 'Patriot Missile' - Deal

    This cud be a speculative news!
  14. H

    ‘Bangladesh will take action against northeast India militants’

    Justin and Sukhoi-30MKI, NLFT problem is not actually based in BD, you must be knowing from recent reports who are funding them to create a Private army. First they have to be taken care off, recently Sarnikar the chief miniter of tripur tabeled a report in this regards, even being a marxist he...
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    Jaguar Darin II

    How come everywhere banned members are Indians and no pakistani member is banned even though pakistanis are always talking bad? Even in above case the pakistani member crossed limits Indians maintained decorum still they were banned? This is funny.
  16. H

    Shivalik Class Frigates Thread

    Very beautiful pics, Great job.
  17. H

    Chengdu J-10 Multirole Fighter Air Craft News & Discussions

    [/COLOR] WoW this looks like F-16.......
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