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    What is Sachin Tendulkar for you?

    first if u dont know any person den dont use wrong world against him Originally Posted by xMustiiej70 View Post Who the **** is that dude? whts tht mean sachin tendulkar is a legend cricket of india m not saying to give respect to him but m asking u again dont use wrong words
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    What is Sachin Tendulkar for you?

    tera pappa
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    The Rise of Hindutva Terrorism

    dude we use ruppe news article as a fun ... dont blame us but rupeenews make its reputation by own :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::
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    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 3]

    i dont want to for say u r wrong ..... but i m not heart 82 f-16 blk 52 m just heart about 18+18 in two orders correct me if m wrong
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    The Rise of Hindutva Terrorism

    another rupeenews type crap.... dude grow up:rofl::rofl::rofl:
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    China tries to hide J-10 fighter crashes

    no one want to show that thats fact but why chinies gov hide it and there not only mig who crash all the time ... other planes are also so keep in mind before making fun of any mig crash
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    J-10 Crashes puts a question mark on J-10 performance

    dude no buddy know ..even you already cross iaf record
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    Times Square Conspiracy against Pakistan

    or may be raw funded hamid zaid also :rofl::rofl:
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    China tries to hide J-10 fighter crashes

    ok tell me a chinies source which says that a j10 crashed in April..:no:
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    China tries to hide J-10 fighter crashes

    yes its true but question is that why china hide it????:coffee:
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    The Rise of Hindutva Terrorism

    at least one thing finally we found out ... in which we can copy muslims :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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    Pakistan officials know where Osama is: Clinton

    so why they are afraid to say in front of every one :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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    What is Sachin Tendulkar for you?

    for me sachin is cricket
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    LCH to make official first flight on 21st.

    great going :victory::victory:
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    when they kill innocent yes they are ... but no proof for that and please tell me wht u called terrorist in pakistan mr. freedom fighter
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    so by your point of view freedom fighters kill innocent so that means terrorist in pakistan are also freedom fighter??? right
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    India beat Pakistan by 9 wickets in Women's T20 World Cup

    :victory::victory::victory::victory: great victory
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    The World's 25 Dirtiest Cities.

    he is a pakistani just come with usa flags
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    Naxals killed in Encounter

    i think army is last possible answer for naxals but if we want that naxals problem never come again so we have to make system batter .. main reason for naxalism is corrupt system
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    The World's 25 Dirtiest Cities.

    dude m living in delhi-ncr ...taking delhi in this list is BS .. just come and watch delhi ...
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