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  1. S

    How good are the SSG's

    how are the ssg wen it comes to jungle warfare? pakistan has some forrests that they may be able to train in, but have the ssg ever gone to the amazon or african jungle for training exercise purposes. terrain like what you would see in something like 'tears of the sun.'?
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    How good are the SSG's

    when i asked if the ssgn have seen operation, i meant the naval ssgs, the 'navy seals'. have they had many operations because iv never herd too much about them.
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    How good are the SSG's

    the ssgs have had quite a few operations to date, but have the ssgn ever had any combat missions?
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    How good are the SSG's

    have there been many missions conducted by the ssgn?
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    How good are the SSG's

    wel, i dont know, they seem to be alright, but looking back at the lal masjid operation, im not sure. honestly, i dont think that there would have been 8 casualties and 30 plus injured if the sas or gign, gsg9 etc would have carried out the mission. but not much is known. all i herd is 70-100...
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    How good are the SSG's

    i dont know much about our special forces, but i was wondering how good they really are. how good are the ssg and ssgn? are they comparable to premier elite forces in training, equiptment/weapons, effectiveness, performance etc such as the sas or navy seals or delta force etc, or still arguably...
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    WINDOWS VISTA AERO VS LINUX UBUNTU BERYL - 3D effects, You might dump your Vista afte

    hey speaking of this beryl linex os, iv never used it or had any experience with it. im think of reinstalling windows. maybe i should go with linex. will it run fine on 1 gb of ram? and does it run all the softwares that xp or vista can run, and the drivers and plugins for online players and things?
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    Pakistan's Special Operations Forces: SSG | SSGN | SSW | SOW | SOG

    heres the pic i was talking about, posted by blain http://cache.gettyimages.com/xc/7535...30272DFEBE15F0
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    Pakistan's Special Operations Forces: SSG | SSGN | SSW | SOW | SOG

    blain, the injured comando in the picture you posted looked kind on in bad shape. i saw other pics of comandoes severely injured. do you know if these guys made it, or were the KIA injured operatives who later diceased in hospitals, or were they KIA during the operation.
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    Pakistan's Special Operations Forces: SSG | SSGN | SSW | SOW | SOG

    i agree that the ssgs did a good job, but i read in the news that over 160 operatives went into the mosque. according to the media, around 80 militants were killed, so the special forces outnumbered the militants 2 to 1. doesnt anyone think even 9 comando casualties was a bit high? corect me if...
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    Pakistan's Special Operations Forces: SSG | SSGN | SSW | SOW | SOG

    i saw pictures of the comandoes using long rifles and gun of the sort. if they were in close quarter battle, shouldnt they have used cqb guns like the p90 or mp5? theyr lles combersome and would have helped manouvering around in rooms and narrow coridors of the masjid
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    hi im new here so i might not be right, but i saw some pics of the ssg's using rifles. shouldnt they have used guns like the mp5 or p90 for close quarter battle. and if there were around 70 armed men inside, and 160 or so ssg went in, shouldnt there have been less commando casualties?
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