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  1. Sajj_Bhai

    Saudi Arabia's concern for 'Pakistanis' in Bangladesh

    This is a topic quite close to me, as my maternal grandfather and his family were all Bihari Muhajirs, whilst the rest of my family are all native Bengalis. Yes, Biharis enjoyed many privileges during the East Pakistan era, and I understand that this caused much resentment from the Bengalis who...
  2. Sajj_Bhai

    Terrorist attack, hostage situation in Dhaka ; Analysis & Footage

    Exactly, it's important for all sovereign nations to work against these terrorist attacks, it's not a question of partisanism or blaming specific politicians, terrorism has been a huge problem throughout the whole of the 21st century, blaming individuals and political parties for there indirect...
  3. Sajj_Bhai

    India to launch radio station focusing on Bangladesh

    I hope this closens ties between the people of Bangladesh and West Bengal, I'm glad they chose to hire some notable Bangladeshis.
  4. Sajj_Bhai

    Terrorist attack, hostage situation in Dhaka ; Analysis & Footage

    At the moment, we don't know much about which group is responsible for this, you may be right that reaction to AL policy is what has driven this attack, however it's unfair to presume it was Sheikh Haseena's doing. Same way that's unfair many AL supporters are quick to blame BNP for many...
  5. Sajj_Bhai

    Terrorist attack, hostage situation in Dhaka ; Analysis & Footage

    No country should have to bend over to 'Islamists' as you call them, just to avoid a terror attack. I'd expect the same from Pakistan or any country that has to deal with such elements. Sheik Hasina, despite her multiple flaws, cannot be blamed for the global rise of radicalism amongst Muslims.
  6. Sajj_Bhai

    Bangladesh should act against Custodians of Islam: BJP

    Honestly there's nothing particularly wrong with what he said, he never actually implied these terrorists to be "custodians of Islam" as the title tries to portray. But of course, as a foreigner (even if Muslim) and belonging to a party known for not having the greatest relationship with...
  7. Sajj_Bhai

    Terrorist attack, hostage situation in Dhaka ; Analysis & Footage

    A crackdown on this behaviour is seriously needed by the Bangladesh Government. It's not enough to pin the blame on opposition parties, serious effort needs to be done to route out external influence causing internal trouble. Bangladesh has been quite good in terms of terrorist control for an...
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