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    Electricity shortfall in the country reaches 8,500 MW

    where i live, we got one hour of electricity in last twenty four hours. but we deserved this. infact we deserve even worse. this rotten to the core nation voted these illetrate, ugly, liers and currupt politicians. pakistanis are going to commit the same mistake 6th time. those who pay...
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    Pakistan gave China access to 'stealth' chopper from Bin Laden raid: Report

    it is absolutely amazing and mind blowing to see the hypocricy of few members here who are claiming that pakistan stoped low, it should not have treated its w.o.t ally like this and china is a copy Cat etc etc... And I thought hypocricy was only an indian trait. If Pak govt had any guts, it...
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    India is the revisionist power

    even though ET is very much liberal and bash the military more than any other news outlet currently in Pakistan, this guy Eijaz presents fairly honest and harsh POV w.r.t india/Pakistan and military. now this is totally understood that why indians are labeling Eijaz as an army stooge as he is...
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    AQ Khan: North Korea paid bribes to Generals for nuclear know-how

    okey so we have about 8 countries who are nuclear powers, and these 8 countries must have thousands of scientists with each one of them important in his/her own regard. but why we only find this A.Q the ego-freak to be giving interviews full of venom against other fellow Pakistani's and praise...
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    Escape route for Pakistanis

    the writer is a sadist to say the least. its people like him who are looking for escape routes, not majority of patriotic Pakistanis. I had a choice to become an australian citizen, i declined and came back. And i have many such friends who did the same. So in short we Pakistanis are not...
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    Serving Brigadier arrested for suspected links with Hizbut Tahrir

    Pakistan first. Anyone having anyother preferences should be hanged or better thrown out to hell holes like afghanistan, somalia and alike. Wonder how people are talking about delusional dreams of ummah when they cant even celebrate eid on a single day !?! I guess these ummah freaks...
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    Rangers murder young boy in Karachi

    R.I.P to the dead. In an ideal world, if he was a criminal, he would have been arrested and taken to the court, where his fate would have been decided. However people would agree that our country is far from ideal. Dont we know what happens in our courts ? How many witness actually come...
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    Chopper Down

    @ danger-zone Get off your high horse and open your eyes. Wakeup from ur utopian dreams. This is real world. So according to you someone has to pay the price ? Who would pay for 35000 innocent Pakistanis killed by your talib friends ? It is very easy to talk about morals and ethics While...
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    Chopper Down

    son of major general Nawaz was also on board. Hope they survive the crash, though chances are slim.
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    Hillary Clinton gives clean chit to Pakistan

    indians have this huge misconception that the public opinion in Pakistan is being moulded by the army. well i dont blame indians for that, as they also have this misconception that even if a cat dies in india, it is due to ISI. so basically its not their fault. they are brain washed by their...
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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    why dont you ask me yourself ? i DO NOT need any certificates to prove that i am a Pakistani. got it ? now i do understand why bengalis hated us and why baloch are against us. it is a sweet phenomenon in our culture that if you do not like what the other person says, label him indian, or if...
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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    it is disgusting to hear and read again and again that there must be or there is foreign involvement in all the terror acts in Pakistan. while not a single person is talking about what is our own role in all of this ? countries like india cannot harm Pakistan, unless we present then with an...
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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    attack on PNS mehran, destruction of two aircraft and death of navy/rangers men is NOT the sad part in this whole episode as it is part of collateral damage during the war our country is facing. however the sad part is the shouting from all the corners that "attackers were not...
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    Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

    the only way forward is separation of state and religion. in simple words follow the turkey model if we have to survive and develop. the ones who consider themselves muslim first rather than Pakistani's should be kicked out. cleanse the FATA region, even if some 100,000 innocent have to die...
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    Fellow Pakistanis: Let's Turn LOC = IB ?

    logically and practically this turning LOC into IB is the only solution available to both india and Pakistan. whole talk about upholding morals and ideology is a thing of past. time has changed, world has moved on and redrawing of borders is out of fashion. but the only problem in doing so...
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    The missing taxpayers

    hundreds of such articles which talk about this much people not paying tax can be found around. but has anybody wondered why people dont pay tax ? what makes them to cheat the state ? what motivates them in doing so ? and most of these affluent pakistani's who are not paying tax are an educated...
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    Pakistan’s secret dirty war

    i actually seriously thought that indians were an intelligent lot. my bad. i fail to understand how my dear indian friends even try to compare the situation in baluchistan with the situation in Indian occupied Kashmir. Kashmir is "Disputed" according to the United Nations, as accepted by...
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    COAS condemns today’s drone attack

    and the chief of seventh largest army having nukes is pretty happy over just protesting on this act of terror ?!? no wonder kiyani and pasha got extensions. USA must have seen something special in them :) by the way can i get a ride in those newly bought F-16′s or JF-17′s ? As i am...
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    Blast in Faislabad!

    ISI building has survived the attack. the attacker was not able to reach the building due to heavy security. he has been caught injured from the crime scene. he belonged to kabir wala and on his information about 8 other terrorists have been caught. this was apparently a revenge attack...
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    Blast in Faislabad!

    my house is near the place where blast took place. most of the windows are broken and the sound of blast was deafening. this was bound to happen in faisalabad. this city probably has more extremists than entire fata region. walls all over the city are painted with slogans like "napak army...
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