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  1. Chute

    Pakistan's Economy - News and Updates

    There is no plan. Sign MOUs to keep some bureaucrats employed to pencil push. No one is going to fork out hard capital of relevance into Pakistan this decade and likely the next one too. Chinese foreign loan funding will also dry up given their own local debt pile problem at home coming to...
  2. Chute

    Why Bangladesh’s Matarbari port is a game changer for India

    Any idea why this falling out happened between these two? They were getting along for quite a few years now....
  3. Chute

    Heck islamists like @Saiful Islam blabbing that you all @CallSignMaverick @protean @indushek...

    Heck islamists like @Saiful Islam blabbing that you all @CallSignMaverick @protean @indushek @RealDeal @itsanufy @Skull and Bones and whomever else as repeat account of nilgiri or whomever else lives rent free in his head :cheesy:. What will this circus bring next month lol.
  4. Chute

    Yah get rid of the trolling thats what happens....i.e non-trolls have real life stuff to attend...

    Yah get rid of the trolling thats what happens....i.e non-trolls have real life stuff to attend to, 1 actual post of worth means lot more than 100s of crap ones like here found in pdf troll ecosystem. You guys really enjoy this stuff 24/7?
  5. Chute

    i.e Even turks (so called biraaders!) left this forum en masse and follow good moderator system...

    i.e Even turks (so called biraaders!) left this forum en masse and follow good moderator system in their new one (every country gets their own mod), should not indians here have some basic self-respect rather than be 24/7 useful idiots for trolls here?
  6. Chute

    Seriously you guys are still stuck here? lol @indushek @protean @CallSignMaverick , what are you...

    Seriously you guys are still stuck here? lol @indushek @protean @CallSignMaverick , what are you guys accomplishing here lol. It is timepass of worst kind surely? Gessler and Nilgiri are actually only in the other turk forum, not here for a reason.
  7. Chute


    Don't become black pilled. Try change of atmosphere and interact in other fora for a while in non-pakistan setting and non-Pakistan topics. Turks created one elsewhere for example (I am sure there are others), lot of ex-PDF'ers there talking about much more worthy things more leisurely. @Imran...
  8. Chute

    Chandrayaan 3 - a curtain raiser by ISRO

    Ask all the questions you want....assume all the answers you want too :laugh: The only thing smarter folks see is mental derelict chasing after other mental derelicts. The better Indians and Bangladeshis already left this forum with the larger part of Turks, Indonesians and others for a...
  9. Chute

    Explained: The Indian Navy's New Game-Changing Radar

    Funny how the high IQ Indians who even have their twitter feeds being quoted here (like in this thread)....have pretty much all long left or been ejected from this forum....:lol: A few exceptions show up very rarely at most... ....and we are left with the low IQ mob here posting every day like...
  10. Chute

    Team USA

    @Gomig-21 @Hamartia Antidote He's starting a really interesting manufacturing series that you might be interested in keeping tabs on (rest of his channel so far is really worth checking out over your spare time if you havent yet):
  11. Chute

    Team USA

    Yah (really high) parking spot price is essentially how Hong Kong has kept car ownership low and public transport high...given the land premium. I would imagine same kind of thing in Tokyo and lot of other East Asian cities. Singapore does it through COE (essentially a large lottery + tax) on...
  12. Chute

    Is PK defence form meant for defence news or Hinduism, Rape, Cow, etc.

    99% of the Indians here these days are masochists. They enjoy getting abused and the general smell of sweltering garbage....they likely enjoy the real life equivalents too, they are low class wretches with scratches to itch as nothing worthwhile going on in life. Rank quantity at all costs...
  13. Chute

    Trade between the US and China is drying up. That could be bad news for American consumers

    yah he's one of the most autistic weirdos on here. Imagine this being your calling in life, he threw a hissy fit and left other fora as enough people rallied against this special guy's antics.....but I guess he persists as pesky entertainment here.
  14. Chute

    Chandrayaan 3 - a curtain raiser by ISRO

    One big islamist troll vs dhimmi troll crapshow yet again 🤣 Just no basic shame on this forum anymore.
  15. Chute

    India to buy 26 Naval Rafales, 3 Scorpene submarines from France, deals likely to be announced during PM Modi's visit.

    The process driven Indians left with the Turks from this forum. What you have left here now are the mirror reflection types of what ails Pakistan.
  16. Chute

    What happened to PDF?

    have a positive rating for your trouble lol yup its hillarious as hell haha....anyone can give negative ratings out too. They probably need to change some settings and user authorities again.
  17. Chute


    If he surfaces again, it will be here. He is pretty wedded to this place heh. Think he has announced quitting and then rejoined a dozen times or more already? Maybe he left for good this time who knows. This place indulges the time-surplus princess complex heavily. Last word soapbox...
  18. Chute


    drop by other forum when you can if you want, I agree this one is best left behind. It had its good times for sure....but time to move on for many.
  19. Chute

    @ProudThamizhan @protean also if you want troll free forum for quieter professional discussion.

    @ProudThamizhan @protean also if you want troll free forum for quieter professional discussion.
  20. Chute

    China unveils first self-built full flight simulator visual system

    Likely the earlier ones were simply imported and not "self-built"
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