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  1. Globalwarrior

    congrats bharat: Altaf Hussain finally admits to being an injun

    What a useless piece of scum Must be blind Even after what’s going on in Indian w Muslims he is singing about Hindustan ? Best to have him slaughter a cow in UP / area w cow vigilantes and his real countrymen will take care of the rest.
  2. Globalwarrior

    Abhinandan flies again

    Indians are used to lies as part of their reality Such shallow ..........
  3. Globalwarrior

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    I think PK lags in technical and radar know how and therefore without Chinese input this plane would not have taken off. Therefore I’m not sure how much credit PAF can take for this.
  4. Globalwarrior

    'An affront to Muslims': OIC slams India's crackdown on Kashmir

    Amen May Allah swt disintegrate and destroy india
  5. Globalwarrior

    Emirates---GCC Nations & Kashmir:---

    Pakistan has to carry its own weight vis a vis India. If you can’t do it alone then don’t make a hoopla about support esp if it’s that important to you. People like to see a nice fight anyway. They done like to see a fighter always looking at the ropes calling for help to come in which has been...
  6. Globalwarrior

    'Every brick will be countered with a stone,' PM Imran warns Modi against action in AJK

    One Indian CM reportedly says they should exhume muslim women out of graves and rape them. SICKening country. I’d be scared to be in India of today. God help the minorities there esp Muslims.
  7. Globalwarrior

    India’s road to fascism. Saudi Gazette.

    Thank you Tariq Almaeena Excellent journalist !!
  8. Globalwarrior

    Trump to Imran Khan: Afghanistan could be 'wiped off the face of the earth...literally in 10 days

    There is no question we know the US can do it But morally it will have no ground to stand on after the fact Disproportionate force is a war crime.. I think it is good it was stated ..the parties on the ground are aware..and there should be no more of it..
  9. Globalwarrior

    Pak Eagle has landed: PMIK reached D.C

    He took a lot of crap to fly commercial... the earlier lot would be using the paf passenger jet ...
  10. Globalwarrior

    Turkish TAI TF-X in line with what PAF wants: PAC Kamra Chairman Air Marshal

    So they have come a long way now Almost 15 years later they should come up with Something reliable
  11. Globalwarrior

    PAF CAS confirmed the SU-30MKI kill in addition to MiG-21 Bison - Alan Warnes

    Perhaps make such statements after you find the back box in your territory
  12. Globalwarrior

    PAF is So Cool that Even Getting Shot Down by it Makes You a Hero in India

    We hover to stop being soft on people who’s mission was to kill our jets/pilots,,, our enemies. Of course he is going to play nice once caught. You think If a PK pilot was caught they would have given him cup of tea ?
  13. Globalwarrior

    Halima Aden makes history as the first model to wear a burkini in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue

    Agreed This is not islam There is no place for this Nothing to be proud of!
  14. Globalwarrior

    Pashto singer Nazia Iqbal being forced to pardon her rapist brother who abused her daughters

    He should be hung up on the street corner Scum of earth There can’t be an option of forgiveness in these cases !!!
  15. Globalwarrior

    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    How did F 16 prove itself when ISPR says no f16s were used ?
  16. Globalwarrior

    DGISPR Press Conference : 29 April 2019

    Is this ISPR or foreign ministry briefing ?
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