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  1. G

    US should dump Islamabad-HussainHaqqani

    :omghaha: Arabs treat Indians like that and specifically Gujarati, Marathi and Bihari. Every part of the world, Indians are not welcome. Remember Australia? How about America saying "no more Patels" :omghaha: ! Tamils are talented, which is why they don't need North India. What do North...
  2. G

    US should dump Islamabad-HussainHaqqani

    This has been well-documented and had been an issue even during colonial era. What YouTube video is this? Please tell me so I can find out where you're getting your information. :hitwall: Thank you for showing us that the caste system is alive and well in India where everyone's profession...
  3. G

    DMK withdraws support to UPA over Lankan Issue; Ministers Quits.

    Well, well, well... If it isn't the MUFC (Modi United Fan Club) trolls
  4. G

    Israel preparing to drill Syrian oil

    I find it ironic to see Pakistanis and non-Arabs getting worked up over the Palestine issue. Palestinians live in every single Israeli city and all of them in West Bank work there. Arabic is an official language there, they marry into each other, Arabs are Members of Parliament, national...
  5. G

    Iranian Music, Movies | Cultural discussions

    You can still see the video if you go click on the thread tools and then, printable version. Find my post, copy paste the YouTube link onto your proxy. It's better you install a proxy right from the start. No, I only know F-8 in Isloo :lol:
  6. G

    DMK withdraws support to UPA over Lankan Issue; Ministers Quits.

    They think the North Indians and Sinhalese have collaborated to fight off the Sri Lankan Tamils - they still have their sights on "Eelam" I say, you tell them where the real homeland of the Tamils is, and tell them to follow the Bangladesh model to get it. ;)
  7. G

    Iranian Music, Movies | Cultural discussions

    The singer is Irani Baluch and if you didn't already know, there is an entire province called Sistan va Baluchestan in Iran where Baluch are a majority. In the past, Shah's wife delivered a message to Bhutto from him to remove the Bizenjo government as it was sparking nationalistic sentiments...
  8. G

    Ways to reduce impact of sanctions on Iranian education system

    Don't you believe the Iranian regime is too rigid and closed to the world? Why not just become part of the world, like everyone in, you know, the world?
  9. G

    Iranian Music, Movies | Cultural discussions

    Did someone post this yet? Baloch song Babule Seere by Rustam Lashari (Baloch2day) - YouTube
  10. G

    US should dump Islamabad-HussainHaqqani

    Why do they think you're calling them "monkeys"? Are they stupid like monkeys (in your opinion)? Are you saying the Tamil issue is a political issue and not a Tamil issue? Jayalalitha doesn't care about Tamils? Are you sure you want to say that? She's going to be supporting the NDA...
  11. G

    RIP mister President

    And just when you think that it's finally over, it turns out to be the wrong person. :hitwall: Inna Lillahe wa Inna Ilaihe Rajeon
  12. G

    My thoughts on Pakistan's education. What do you think?

    Yes. I am in favour of removing all regional languages like Turkey only has one and their people are called Turkish, Pakistan should also be one nation and its people called Pakistanis and not hyphenated Pakistanis like Sindhi-Pakistani or Punjabi-Pakistani I didn't quite understand the rest of...
  13. G

    India must respect Vienna convention on Italy envoy's immunity says EU

    :yahoo: I got refuted, point by point and in the end, I was starstruck by the amazing quote and the French loan-word. Too bad, I have nothing left to say other than referring you back to the original post and suggesting you to try defending the indefensible. We see this in Pakistan, all the...
  14. G

    'US has now an ally in India, enemy in Islamabad'

    Here is a UNHCR report on the Nepalese being treated very nicely in India :omghaha: http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/pdfid/4b6fe2bf0.pdf Here's a report on the Gurkhas in Indian army from an Indian Forum (Hindustan Times removed the article by Sudeshna Sarkar, very conveniently)...
  15. G

    US should dump Islamabad-HussainHaqqani

    Let's not get lost in a very complicated or confusing debate. How about we make it very basic and simple? All you have to do is just answer very basic questions without semantics. I will give you the relevant quotes and you answer them. He even challenged Advani to answer them but he...
  16. G

    India must respect Vienna convention on Italy envoy's immunity says EU

    Indians are overstepping their bounds when they try to ask Italians for their Marines. How do Italians compare to Indians? The answer can be seen in India's political system. They only sent one Italian woman, and now she rules over one billion Indians, which means one Italian woman equals...
  17. G

    'US has now an ally in India, enemy in Islamabad'

    Is this the same kind of racist bigotry that you grant the poor, oppressed and occupied peoples of the North East? No wonder the Nepalese hate you and find your discrimination against their emigrants to be the worst of its kind.
  18. G

    US should dump Islamabad-HussainHaqqani

    I did not question the existence of Rama but quoted Karunanidhi and stated that he doesn't know of his existence and does not believe in him and rightly so, because the Ramayana paints the South Indian Tamils as Monkeys, which is why it is a bigoted book and philosophy. Just because they are...
  19. G

    'US has now an ally in India, enemy in Islamabad'

    :raise: Rohrabacher is an extreme right-wing, fringe nut-job. If you want to really know what the Americans think of us, you would need to listen to John Kerry (Secretary of State) and Chuck Hagel (Defense secretary), who are appointed by the Obama administration and confirmed by both sides of...
  20. G

    US should dump Islamabad-HussainHaqqani

    I had been previously banned for questionable language. Is allowing open and blatant insults towards people's religions accepted? Is intolerance like this allowed? Does anyone have the right to indulge in abusive words towards people's places of worship, unashamedly, in this manner on this...
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