:coffee:well it is hilarious dat urdu native Pakistani fan boys preaching indian hindi natives..
why we use... this holy alphabet --"R"
why don't u!! use ---- "D" insteed of "R"..
after all using letter "R" in urdu is not an ISO standard....
[don't ask the same 2 us if u hv any brain..]...
well this topic is not even worth a single comment..[bcz poster didn't thought for a while and did some goggling b4 preaching hindi natives here]
i m posting here bcz thread already dragged alot...
"chor" is wrong...
hello T-faz,
i just got infractions msg,
and,i wanna say sorry for that @offtopic post..
i''ll try to remain in limits..of PDF.
but,i wanna know about this infraction msg and pt. system..
can u explain me or send me a link for this info!!
IMHO, he should not say such things now, bcz india is a secular country...
he could do protest etc...against UPA.. but shouldn't rant history..... [yes sivaji etc. were our gr8 fighters]
so,he is 40% ok!! according to me
In my opinion, Islam is a great religion like others..... [few terrorists and some intolerant societies are the real cause of this Islamophobia]
i.e one should not understand that one religion is more Superior and another is less...
after all, god is one... but paths(religions) are...