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  1. P

    China sends note to UN chief to clarify Xisha situation

    Do you know why we helped organize the UNCLOS but not even have ratified and signed it? Because we :lol: want NO RESTRICTION due to that our military vessels and aircraft frequently exercise navigation or overflight in the area under US Freedom of Navigation Program. China have ratified and...
  2. P

    China 2nd oil rig on the way to XiSha /Paracel islands water

    Battle of Bach Dang River probably wanted to say that luckily that oil rig is not in Vietnam's EEZ else another riot would kill 4 more Chinese ... I thought this is an English forum huh Hu Songshan?
  3. P

    China as BULLY

    Not for long ... :lol: North Korea Slams Xi Jinping and the Chinese Dream
  4. P

    Are We Underestimating China's Military?

    bing bu yan zha 1.There can never be too much deception in war. 2.All's fair in war. 3.Nothing is too deceitful in war. :lol:
  5. P

    China sends note to UN chief to clarify Xisha situation

    Of course, we are the USA ... We tell China what is or what's not and we clearly stated in that Declaration: Why didn't China protest it back then? Apparently, at that time your military is nothing comparing with the USA and European countries - putting a side of Japan's, until now you're...
  6. P

    [Request] Source of Sprartly Islands Belonging to China

    First of all, you said "Han era fabrication" then later dynasties's books said Yuechang is now Vietnam but you still said that "later day additions cannot be proven" ... So, what is your point - either all of Chinese history is fabrication or you're just selected what you think it's right rather...
  7. P

    Thai army delegation visits China amid Western reproach of coup

    Some even said that recent anti Chinese riots in Vietnam was directed by Chinese's govt. as well.
  8. P

    [Request] Source of Sprartly Islands Belonging to China

    Han era text and later other Chinese's dynasties pointed out that Yuechang is Vietnam nowadays and if you said China's history is nothing but fabrication then what is the point of debating this matter ... :lol: I think both PDF's Vietnamese and Chinese members are somewhat lying too ...
  9. P

    [Request] Source of Sprartly Islands Belonging to China

    Fabrication is fabrication ... Lie is again, just lie ... Same thing with the FACT that China's ship chased and sank Vietnamese boat and yet BROADCASTING she did not etc ....
  10. P

    HISTORICAL LIE | Spratlys, Scarborough Shoal not in China's ancient maps - Justice Carpio

    What is there to prove, the Empire of Great Qing's map did not include Paracel and Spratly archipelagos ???
  11. P

    Thai army delegation visits China amid Western reproach of coup

    Will do, for I have seen other member posted in Chinese too ...
  12. P

    [Request] Source of Sprartly Islands Belonging to China

    So, are you saying Chinese history is all fabricated then!? :lol:
  13. P

    HISTORICAL LIE | Spratlys, Scarborough Shoal not in China's ancient maps - Justice Carpio

    Dude, that was not what Xi Jinping said; he said: "No Gene for Invasion in Chinese People's Blood" instead!
  14. P

    Why Vietnam Will Be the Next Nuclear State

    Why not, since China is the aggressor in the SCS and has caused many conflicts in the region?
  15. P

    Thai army delegation visits China amid Western reproach of coup

    Could it be this? 南國山河南帝居 截然定分在天書 如何逆虜來侵犯 汝等行看取敗虛 The South nation resides the Southern Emperor This fate is written in the book of heaven If thou against it by invasion, As said, thou will be suffered a vanquishable destruction! Is this an "off-topic" example, huh Hu Songshan?
  16. P

    China sends note to UN chief to clarify Xisha situation

    Xesy, either you can't read Vietnamese or have no logic in understanding a simple "recognized and agreed" phrase from your formal PM Pham Van Dong's letter. Accept the fact, but that is not the end of it, rather September 4th, 1958 Declaration of China still had no sovereignty over many islands...
  17. P

    [Request] Source of Sprartly Islands Belonging to China

    As I said, "We are debating Yuechang at the moment and let resolve it first before getting carry away with 峰州 or 文郎" and you came to understand that "Even if Yuechang was located in modern day Vietnam" then you have to know Yuechang was Vietnam nowadays ... Agree!? We'll discuss of Van Lang...
  18. P

    South China Sea Forum

    No, really ... and yet you're acting like one! :rofl: So we are mistaken then .. hehehe ... :lol:
  19. P

    South China Sea Forum

    Can't predict that far out for the next 100 years but in the next 20 years we US still are the SUPER POWER :usflag:, not CHINA :rofl:
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