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  1. Shreyas Karambelkar

    The Lost Decade of 1970 Hf-73

    They're.Infact there were many designs HAL proposed during 70 and 80s including HAL Ground attack fighter(GAF)
  2. Shreyas Karambelkar

    The Lost Decade of 1970 Hf-73

    In 1973 there was an offer from Germany to jointly develop the HF 24 into the Hindustan Supersonic Strike Aircraft labelled the HSS 73 later to be known as the HF-73. This would retain the original mainframe, with radical changes to the fuselage, air intakes and the centre wing section. The...
  3. Shreyas Karambelkar

    Naval Amca enter design phase.

    Dr. Girish Deodhare, Director General, ADA speaking to the Indian media has confirmed that flexibility studies of Carrier based 5th generation fighter aircraft based on AMCA design have been completed and the flexibility study report has been accepted by Indian Navy and the program is set to...
  4. Shreyas Karambelkar

    Some Glimps From Aero India 2019.

    Man do I look like a guy who really gives damn to what fanboys thinks? As far as editing is concerned I don't have a whole day to invest my time on a forum I have sales job to do.Period!
  5. Shreyas Karambelkar

    Some Glimps From Aero India 2019.

    Why so gaga over a silly grammatical mistake? Giving English Lessons here or Defence?
  6. Shreyas Karambelkar

    Some Glimps From Aero India 2019.

    it ain't the final design.
  7. Shreyas Karambelkar

    Some Glimps From Aero India 2019.

    Like i said I am not here for random bullshit,now cut some slack for me, would ya?
  8. Shreyas Karambelkar

    Some Glimps From Aero India 2019.

    Sneezing Sneezing. I am sorry I'm bit allergic to bullshit. i am certainly not a kid.
  9. Shreyas Karambelkar

    Some Glimps From Aero India 2019.

    I don't care as i said earlier. :)
  10. Shreyas Karambelkar

    Some Glimps From Aero India 2019.

    Like i said I dont here to prove myself right or somebody wrong.You can believe whatever your conscience says so. I rest my case.
  11. Shreyas Karambelkar

    Some Glimps From Aero India 2019.

    Yeah I know nothing XD
  12. Shreyas Karambelkar

    Some Glimps From Aero India 2019.

    I may be a newbe here that doesn't mean I've no knowledge. Besides, janes isnt a credible source? Had it been reporting some pakistani news then only it'd considered as reliable source?
  13. Shreyas Karambelkar

    Some Glimps From Aero India 2019.

    you have google,use it and help yourself.I am not here to prove anyone wrong or right buddy.
  14. Shreyas Karambelkar

    Some Glimps From Aero India 2019.

    Its a matter of time as u said,Didn't you? https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/defence/india-tells-russia-to-go-ahead-with-fgfa-project-says-it-may-join-at-a-later-stage/articleshow/64981021.cms and just in case if you don't believe on Indian source...
  15. Shreyas Karambelkar

    Some Glimps From Aero India 2019.

    I dont really care what those "Elite" "Senior" "Brigadier" bla bla has to say regarding FGFA program.I would rather rely on a reliable source such as the IAF itself and of course Defense attaches to Russia.
  16. Shreyas Karambelkar

    Some Glimps From Aero India 2019.

    Nope.As i said they have only kept it on back burner for a while,once the problems between both govt's are sorted out the fgfa will join.Or the IAF might purchase it off the shelf like she did with the MKI.Moreover, no IAF is not being unsatisfied how can it be unsatisfied even though she...
  17. Shreyas Karambelkar

    Some Glimps From Aero India 2019.

    I know it's in jeopardized but India has kept it's options open we may have backed out from the entire fgfa program for a while however the govt has already said that we may join it at a later stage.
  18. Shreyas Karambelkar

    Some Glimps From Aero India 2019.

    not on the first day but pre rehearsals of aero india.
  19. Shreyas Karambelkar

    Some Glimps From Aero India 2019.

    Make a Comment if only you've something which adds up to the debate.Otherwise don't, I am not here to entertain deutchbags.
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