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  1. welcomeJason

    In Japan-China Ties, the Past Is Personal

    台湾真不知道。。东北真用心啊, 用心掠夺木材煤炭从大连港运到日本,一分钱不花的进口啊 用心在东北炼铁炼钢拉到日本,生产武器 用心在东北研发人体化学武器,东北实验白鼠真便宜 用心在东北搞农业生产,溥仪封个大司马怎么样,前期侵略后勤都靠东北了 用心在东北抓劳工,运到日本,送到战场前方排雷,送到农场(本来就是农民自己的土地,抢过来然后不给钱还叫人家干活) 用心制造旅顺。。。。。大屠杀 用心挑选慰安所服务员,不从的送去当小白鼠 感觉好用心哦!! 一片繁荣气象!东北在日本屠刀下好繁荣啊,GDP是有了,但财富是谁的?祖祖辈辈在这的人有社会地位?有人权?有温饱?有命吗? 你们家是没有被肃清的...
  2. welcomeJason

    In Japan-China Ties, the Past Is Personal

    an urban wonder? All the weath was transfered to Japan,is it an urban wonder?Joking? It's Chinese business.Haha Welcome Japan to conquer Singapore and USA. They will have gratitude for that will make them more advanced.
  3. welcomeJason

    China is Planning to Purge Foreign Technology and Replace With Homegrown Suppliers

    Would I call it a mixture of Confucianism and Communism ? Simple Communism only emerged in earlier times when CCP was found,the political system is mixed with more Confucianism now. Maybe somedays or under some conditions,we need replace Communism with Taoism,Mohism or Legalism...etc.(e.g...
  4. welcomeJason

    Indonesia Turning Away From ASEAN?

    Hua is more suitable.
  5. welcomeJason

    Indonesia Turning Away From ASEAN?

    We are called Hua.Han will be the past.
  6. welcomeJason

    Indonesia Turning Away From ASEAN?

    For those who keep god keeps their souls,for those who's lost will be lost forever.
  7. welcomeJason

    The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

    koreans did a good job! Congratulations.
  8. welcomeJason

    The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

    What easy you start a war,then what easy you lost it.
  9. welcomeJason

    Indonesia Turning Away From ASEAN?

    But the style is so expensive now that only rich ones can afford it. Tang style is japanese traditional treasure now costing lots of money to protect and promote it,also Korea and Viet. Most interesting,the western style get advanced by the eastern style。。haha The western ones you think may be...
  10. welcomeJason

    China adjusts GDP revision, output equivalent to Malaysian economy

    工资上去,个人产出自然也会上去的 别人不见得去找,找也未必找得到,找到未必也能理解的到
  11. welcomeJason

    China adjusts GDP revision, output equivalent to Malaysian economy

  12. welcomeJason

    Indonesia Turning Away From ASEAN?

    。。。Maybe other's is not yours,yours is actually not yours and more worse yours maybe other's。。。 Japan:China-Tang Dynasty lifestyle Korea:China-Ming Dynasty lifestyle Viet:China-Qing Dynasty lifestyle
  13. welcomeJason

    Indonesia Turning Away From ASEAN?

    A smaller version of China? Actually Urumqi is at the center of asia~~
  14. welcomeJason

    China adjusts GDP revision, output equivalent to Malaysian economy

  15. welcomeJason

    China's Urumqi Bans Burqas

    Sikhism was born to against Islam in history.
  16. welcomeJason

    China's Urumqi Bans Burqas

    Islam defeated Buddhism in mid-asia,south-asia,malasia-indonesia,xinJiang-China,etc What's your's religion,indian guy?Thanks for british or you would have been a muslim lost your variety.
  17. welcomeJason

    China's Urumqi Bans Burqas

    A healthy contry should be like this. Good luck to women. SM WAS BORN IN AMERICA FOR SURE !!!
  18. welcomeJason

    China adjusts GDP revision, output equivalent to Malaysian economy

    财务透明谁会说。。支出性腐败,街道办大叔和建设局的处长都能家财上亿,每月靠利息就不愁了,一个亿就是储蓄类的基金,稳定的回报率,一天就是一万块,我这枚小屌丝眼泪哗哗的。。 补充:一年的利息就够帮助300多贫困地区家庭!一天的利息就可以帮助一个贫困地区家庭!为富不仁泪千殇。。。
  19. welcomeJason

    China adjusts GDP revision, output equivalent to Malaysian economy

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