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  1. B

    Advantages and disadvantages of knowing english for india?

    so u agree those people did it eh??... n still u glorify them....shameless
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    Advantages and disadvantages of knowing english for india?

    dude...all the languages (except for some south indian ones) are evolved from it but somewhere core sanskrit is not really there... although people unknowingly do speak a lot of sanskrit...dats a different case
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    Advantages and disadvantages of knowing english for india?

    not off topic...pretty genuine...maybe sanskrit destruction might have similar reasons as the destruction of other ancient languages
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    India looking to reverse ban on Pakistani TV channels

    i hope it doesnt.... we ll severely lose the laughter that we can have watching him LIVE ON AIR in India :rofl: well here its a lil more liberal and independent...
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    Advantages and disadvantages of knowing english for india?

    first of all u say that hinduism had no value so people embraced islam under the torture as they werent loyal now u say that some people still stayed hindus inspite of the torture...wats ur point?? self contradiction??
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    Advantages and disadvantages of knowing english for india?

    well in that case may i ask u wat happened to sumerian language??
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    Advantages and disadvantages of knowing english for india?

    well somethings like these Sanskrit Speaking Village !! | Krishna.com u ll find more info on the wikipedia article
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    Advantages and disadvantages of knowing english for india?

    lol...the thugs n dons in today's world also have extortion business of similar kind... btw may i know y it was collected only from hindus??...muslims had some supernatural powers to protect themselves??
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    Advantages and disadvantages of knowing english for india?

    people often misinterpret... this is the khajurao temple...all sexual inscriptions are there on the wall to signify that u have to leave all such thots behind (outside the temple) before entering it...
  10. B

    Advantages and disadvantages of knowing english for india?

    its ok...try to be a lil polite...there are already too many rude people on this forum well exact cause even i dunno...maybe it was too difficult to learn sanskrit (at least i found it very difficult)...and there was a better option like hindi or something i really dunno the exact thing but...
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    Advantages and disadvantages of knowing english for india?

    superpower can be classified as militarily or economically....if ur talking militarily...i kinda agree with u...if ur talking economically...go wash ur face...
  12. B

    Advantages and disadvantages of knowing english for india?

    haha...in that case indians shud be afraid of racist attacks...canadians are very notorious in it
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    Advantages and disadvantages of knowing english for india?

    ever heard about nalanda university??... u are acting so damn ignorant...go read about aryabhatt..bhaskara...sushruta...nagarjuna...rishi kannad.....etc etc etc more than thousand years before europeans jailed copernicus for challenging earth is flat theory....aryabhatt calculated earth n...
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    Advantages and disadvantages of knowing english for india?

    first of all ur post is very rude... now...there are 1600 dialects n not languages...india got them through years of trade invaders etc etc...mughals dint destroy sanskrit...instead promoted more of urdu which was more recently developed
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    Advantages and disadvantages of knowing english for india?

    its not for better life...its for $$$...i myself know many indians whose parents are there or have worked there....they pay u hefty money for work but i hardly heard any1 intending to settle there for GOOD LIFE...its just the job...and thats limited to only rich countries in middle east as...
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    India looking to reverse ban on Pakistani TV channels

    same is the case here in india with ptv's counterpart doordarshan... but for news...i always prefer doordarshan news....they dont hype or sensationalize....even to this day..a reporter sits on the desk n reads the news with neutral expressions and does not give its opinions
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    India building US$ 20 billion; 10,000 MW biggest Dam in South Asia

    that actually backfires coz in that case it will have to (mind u...HAVE TO) listen to international courts....
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    India building US$ 20 billion; 10,000 MW biggest Dam in South Asia

    i bet tomorrow if a pakistani member comes up with some stupid thing that india is blocking pakistan's waters...u will support the pakistani member wanna bet??... on topic...i dont really think theres anything to worry about...china as far as their "official sources" said that those dams on...
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    Pak seeks DMRC MD’s advice on Metro

    the boom in metro projects in india is mostly because of one man... E. Sreedharan...if Pak can get such a man...no corruption any development
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    AMERICAN MOVIES TEACH US: 1. Chinese have nothing better to do than teaching or practice Kung Fu. 2. More than 50% of U.S. population are FBI/CIA agents, working undercover. 3. The purpose of school system of U.S. is to promote basketball. 4. Aliens have special interest in attacking U.S. 5...
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