Erdogan is trolling and keep the real range of the Tayfun secret, untill he can not go further then the max range of the missile he will go full troll...:turkey:
@waz and @LeGenD
The day you clean the forum from trolls and false flaggers the day it will turn in high degree quality forum. I will give this dumb troll answer but consider my advice give things like this permanent ban.
I will show wich non muslim countries are buying the best legend...
ask libyans what they want, a warlord what is pawn of western powers what Egypts is part of or Turkey?
they prefer Turkey. You showed your face against Libyans with the agreement with Greece, you can see the maritieme border with Greece you are giving Greece much more they have rights.
Selcuk Bayraktar: "Biz artık gözümüzü atmosferin de ötesinde uzaya dikmiş durumdayız. Uzayla alakalı girişimimizi kurduk. İnşallah 5-10-15 sene içinde ülkemizin bu serüvenine ciddi katkılarımız olmasını hedefliyoruz."
"Now we have our eyes set on space beyond the atmosphere. We have...
you don't want but african mercenaries are welcome 8-). Wagner group si welcome and the list goes on. When are you people asking to Russians leave the country, you people have asked with France joining the problem. UAE have finance the wagner to be in Libya, it is a mes i give you that for sure.
ther is nothing we can do if you are evil inside, the owner should clean herself... 😆
but it is good example how that arab nationalism have failed againg. do not count on arab league, in the end every Arab country will have to fix it problem self. Libyan will get ther rights back maybe after...
Haftar is a great democrat, human right activist. He is the great leader that suits for western powers, as long he obey he is ok 😆 . Dictators are expendable, they can kill ther own people, you look away and do not talk about human rights of if they democratically elected.