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  1. F

    US & Israel Confirmed Support For India In Case Of War With Pakistan

    :) Words of wisdom....Our prime minister Mr. Atal Bihari came for bus tour and you sent terrorists to see him off. Now you saying Indian dont talk words of wisdom. Isn't it funny?
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    US & Israel Confirmed Support For India In Case Of War With Pakistan

    Gud idea but do you think US will give you time to do all these?
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    US & Israel Confirmed Support For India In Case Of War With Pakistan

    One of the best comments I have seen in this forum from a Pakistani. I mostly not completely agree with you buddy. I want India NOT to fight Pakistan or China but to become global power. For that it needs excellent economy, army, strategy and friendly neighbours(China, Pakistan, SriLanka...
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    India Ahead : How will PAF counter IAF - FGFA/PAKFA ?

    Don't worry buddy, you will get to see the surgical strike (and full scale war if Pakistan attacks) soon in the near future. Unfortunately our stupid pioliticians need another 26/11 like strike for that.
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    Why are we so backward?

    Following religion is GOOD but making it everything in your life is not good. Get the good things from the religion and ignore/neglect the bad things. For example, I am Hindu, I don't like many things/practices in Hinduism, then I chose to ignore them or stand against it rather than follow it...
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    Israel new armored vehicles

    In today's war, incase of face-to-face war with any country as shown in Border movie, soldiers can just use these vehicles, drive around and kill enemy soldiers. Though it will be fun if soldiers e of both sides have these vehicles.:yahoo:
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    Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

    Victims of what? For not allowing them to make nuclear weapons?
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    Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

    :no: US is already in your territory and strikes at will at whatever place they want.
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    New Lockheed Martin F-35A Will Test Weapons

    India should try to buy some of these. Till we start getting PAK-FA from Russia.
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    India should avoid ICBM Race

    I think we should build ICBMs as u never know, in next 10 years US can again become our enemy as it was 10 years ago. The other reason is, if India wants to become a global powerhouse, then definitely it should possess weapons of global reach too. Not only missiles but also long range...
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    Is India working on Extented Range BrahMos EX ?

    Don't worry about the financial issues. I think India aconomy is in far more better shape than it was 10-15 years ago. So is Indian government. Just imagine, when Indian goverment is publicly making such huge increases the defence budget every year, what it would be doing secretely on various...
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    Pakistan has 90 Nuclear Warheads (2009) according to UK media

    I completely agree with you. War mongering helps nobody.
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    Intel Source Speaks on Iranian Nukes

    Wll said buddy. Now I understood what is going on between Israel and US.
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    Intel Source Speaks on Iranian Nukes

    Everone knows that Israel has nukes but no one has proof as it has never tested one. So theoritically International preassure does not applies to Israel. While Iran is openly trying to build nukes which is inviting international preassure. Had it succeeded in keeping this process secret, it...
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    Intel Source Speaks on Iranian Nukes

    One lion in jungle does not allow the other animal (even Lion) become as powerful as he is in the complete territory it owns. This is what Israel is doing. If Iran manages to tackle this preassure(may be attack) from Israel and US then sure it will be another powerful lion in that area.
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    An intolerant nation

    Apologise for my silly question, I am a newbie here......Why a muslim wants to kill another muslim? Is this just because one is Shia and the other is Sunni? Is there any enemity between them?
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    India Must Make Peace With Pakistan to Stop Terrorism

    well in my view "martyrdom" is not specific to Hinduism. It is common definition for all the religions in the world. That is "dying for your country".
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    India-Pakistan war games, and Cold Start

    these are just plans on papers. lets see what happens when the next actual war happens between these two counties.
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