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  1. L

    Invincible Resolve - Documentary to Honour our Heroes for Operation Swift Retort

    Excellent documentary. Loved it. Pakistan Zindabad
  2. L

    My father passed away yesterday

    May Allah grant him jannat ul firdous. Ameen
  3. L

    Islamophobia: A heavily pregnant Muslim woman was brutally attacked in Sydney

    That's why I am surprised that this Buddhist is having so much stomach crunches and standing by the side of these westerners. I am sure this love for the westerners and hate for the muslims have something to do with that enslavement period of the subcontinent. After all genes play their part...
  4. L

    Islamophobia: A heavily pregnant Muslim woman was brutally attacked in Sydney

    I can clearly see your hate against Muslim population in the west. I thought you said you are a Buddhist. Anyway here goes your dose. -Westerners are lambs according to you plz help me understand who became an uninvited guest and enslaved Indian subcontinent for 150 years? - Who was running...
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    The guy who tried to stop a man from burning Holy Quran

    Hey Buddhist, see these posts, how real Muslims would have reacted. I am surprised that how novice you are on the subject but still participating in such a sensitive debate and forcing your perspective that how a Muslim would have reacted.
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    The guy who tried to stop a man from burning Holy Quran

    This Buddhist guy don't know anything. He just popped up speaking things he didn't know anything about.
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    The guy who tried to stop a man from burning Holy Quran

    Sorry but you are wrong here, any true Muslim would have reacted the same way burning a bible as we reacted burning a Quran. Don't overthink man, you are not seeing things clearly. Wake up and don't talk for others as you are not one of us. You don't know how we would have reacted
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    The guy who tried to stop a man from burning Holy Quran

    This can be perfect logic for you but as I said not for me. You cannot bully me in agreeing to your "perfect logic" We can move anywhere we like and if some European countries have guts, try to ban muslims in their countries and see the consequences [emoji4] who is stopping you or them for this...
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    The guy who tried to stop a man from burning Holy Quran

    For me this guy didn't punish him. He had his freedom of expression which you are not agreeing with. If someone can disrespect your faith with freedom, he should be ready to face the freedom of expression to his action coming his way. Ilyas have to face the music now because of how he acted. I...
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    The guy who tried to stop a man from burning Holy Quran

    I can add a lot to this list for example people can go nude in public as a freedom of expression. Watch X rated content with their mothers and daughters. Have sex with them and enjoy the freedom. What is morally low is you don't have to have a research on it. It's basic function of your mind...
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    The guy who tried to stop a man from burning Holy Quran

    Very well said. Agreed
  12. L

    Protesting Indian Diplomat thrown out of the hall during Qasim Khan Suri speech at AP Summit

    The point is, if someone don't understand something simple it doesn't mean they are acting dumb. You can simply help them understand the matter or if not it's better not to tell them to use their brains at an open forum like this but since you have decided that you are right it's ok now. Be it...
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    Protesting Indian Diplomat thrown out of the hall during Qasim Khan Suri speech at AP Summit

    Very polite indeed you are. That shows very clearly in your reply. Ok sir, I don't understand simple English, you are the one all learned and understanding. Be Happy but take it when something good is spoken to you. Proving yourself a bully doesn't earn you respect. Regards
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    Protesting Indian Diplomat thrown out of the hall during Qasim Khan Suri speech at AP Summit

    Plz try to be a little polite and respectful to fellow members. Thanks and regards.
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    Need your prayers for my daughter Eshaal

    May Allah bless her with complete recovery and give her a blissful life. Ameen
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    Pakistan’s submarine force down to just one : Hindustan Times

    This article is all but bullshit. The three Indian intelligence officers should be sacked for confirming this fake news. Morons. This shows the intelligence capability Indians have. Pakistan Zindabad
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    Exclusive Picture of Martyred F16 Pilot who was "Shot Down" by IAF Revealed

    This is "Sootron ke anusaar" Bro :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:
  18. L

    India's new line: New Smart bombs were used in Balakot strikes.

    These jokers don't have any thing to show. They rely only on "Sootron Ke anusar" while we Pakistani show and release captured pilot and undeniable proof of the shot down plane. Indians are excellent at making movies and that's what they should do only. Natural talent they are
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    Pakistan seeks ICC ban on Indian team for politicising cricket

    Yes responded is what we did and after that watch the press briefing of you Chief of staffs. That says it all. About rules of engagement.... well in war there are no rules if it broke out then you can always try and find some rule book for the war or for engagement. Wait is what you have to...
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    Pakistan seeks ICC ban on Indian team for politicising cricket

    We can't care less about any "International Organizations". If you think we are on a verge of collapse, you are stupid, then wait for our collapse which will never happen InshaAllah. about knowing the war...... Well the world now knows Who know more about war. India or Pakistan
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