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  1. M

    Chinese Trade Surplus at Highest Level Since December

    Our economy is beginning to accelerate.
  2. M

    Rival to World Bank, with India equal role

    We can kick India out of BRICS and everyone will agree to it. Everyone know only we have the capability to make BRICS out to anything. Without BRICS, no one will even talk about India. Only way a poverty-stricken disease filled raw material exporting 3rd world backwater like India gets a...
  3. M

    Sex for promotion: Man forces wife to be gang-raped for 12 years

    Just exposing what a primitive country and people Indians are I guess.
  4. M

    Calculus created in India 250 years before Newton: study

    India has never invented anything because there is no such thing as India. It took th British to unite these primitive people.
  5. M

    Sex for promotion: Man forces wife to be gang-raped for 12 years

    It's India. Where else will such sick things happen. Nowhere else.
  6. M

    China took away the Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India pipeline

    :rofl: Indian currency collapsed due to its dreadful fundamentals and massive current account deficit. Investors lost confidence. That's why India has been using their reserves to prop up the Rupee. India is going to hell and there is nothing to stop it happening. They want a strong currency...
  7. M

    31 infants dead in four days due to malnutrition in India

    What a horrible country. Malnutrition, rape, caste system, poverty, diseases, defecation, illiteracy, collapsed currency, high inflation are the things India makes headlines for.
  8. M

    China took away the Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India pipeline

    Our consumer market is the 3rd largest overall. Indians don't know what consumption is. They think consumption is % of GDP :lol: No wonder their economy and currency has collapsed with their nutty economic theories.
  9. M

    China took away the Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India pipeline

    India imports pretty much 100% of its oil. We are the 2nd largest oil consumer but have large and growing domestic oil production. Indian oil demand will shrink overtime as the Indian economy and currency has collapsed which means importing oil has gotten far more expensive for...
  10. M

    The chinese look down on india

    We do look down upon Indians. Indians don't deserve our respect nor our attention. Why would we respect a country that is as primitive as India? India is a poverty-stricken, disease filled, adults defecating, largest illiterate population, non-existent infrastructure, collapsing currency...
  11. M

    The chinese look down on india

    We don't believe we are the best, we damn well know we are the best. It's not only our destiny to rule this world, it's our damn birthright!
  12. M

    Indian Civilization, its contribution to Modern day Science and Philosopy

    India barely contributed anything. Stop boasting about things you didn't achieve.
  13. M

    Rival to World Bank, with India equal role

    We could fund the entire $100 billion fund by ourselves if we wanted because $100 billion is pocket change for us. We just allow others to contribute so they can feel that they belong to this group.
  14. M

    India loses Kashagan oil field to China

    Another slap, another defeat at the of us 'evil Chinis' :lol:
  15. M

    Rival to World Bank, with India equal role

    Your contribution is borrowed money from China.
  16. M

    Rival to World Bank, with India equal role

    Yup, we are basically bailing out debt-ridden India like Germany bailed out the collapsed economy of Greece.
  17. M

    Rival to World Bank, with India equal role

    This fund is to bailout the collapsed Indian economy. They run staggering current account and budget deficits and the easy money is now gone, so they want other BRICS countries to bailout this failed and fraudulent Indian economy.
  18. M

    Rival to World Bank, with India equal role

    No say in BRICS? :lol: Kid, we brought South Africa into BRICS. We are the king maker in this group. India is just above South Africa in importance and below Russia and Brazil. Our economic output, industrial output, consumer market size, FDI, ODI, manufacturing, exports, currency...
  19. M

    Rival to World Bank, with India equal role

    We will boss you around when we want and where we want. That's why we invade your country whenever we damn well please. Why? Because we have utterly zero respect for India and the poverty-stricken humans living in that country. India has always been our little punching bag, we can do...
  20. M

    Rival to World Bank, with India equal role

    You help? :rofl: Here you are coming in begging bowls to beg for money to save your collapse currency and you pretend you can help others. India has reserves to cover only 7 months of imports.
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