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  1. Reconquerer

    Swedish Government, Opposition Agree To Boost Defense Budget - Officials

    The Swedish police published a list of vulnerable areas, where poverty and crime rates were higher than normal, the number of these muslim dominated areas recently went up to 61! Last week there was an article in a german paper, about the king being worried about public safety, after several...
  2. Reconquerer

    Homeless in Germany: Half a million people have no permanent home

    I guess more then 95% of the population of the world is jealous on our standard of living in the EU, we don't need turks to clean our restroom and to deliver our parcels, let's take people from the Phillipines or Vietnam then, they are polite, they know how to behave and they don't turn our...
  3. Reconquerer

    Homeless in Germany: Half a million people have no permanent home

    Why??? We would've take more Italians, Spaniards or Greeks then, they don't cause any trouble, they perfectly integrated into our society and no one wants to get rid of them today! They had all the chances under the sun, our patience is over! YOU TURK! (this is an insult in western Europe! xD)...
  4. Reconquerer

    Homeless in Germany: Half a million people have no permanent home

    In 1945 my country was a burning shithole, people were starving and more then 80% of our cities were destroyed, in 1952 we were already the richest country in Europe and the second richest in the world after the US, and then in 1961 the first turks came... (wiki in German...
  5. Reconquerer

    Homeless in Germany: Half a million people have no permanent home

    Nein, ich verachte nur Menschen die ihre eigenen Länder ruiniert haben, und jetzt in meinem Land auf meine Kosten genauso weiter machen. Migration from turkey is a big fat problem in western Europe...
  6. Reconquerer

    Homeless in Germany: Half a million people have no permanent home

    How come we house millions of turks then? How come we've never been asked?
  7. Reconquerer

    2017 statistics of the 10 biggest illegal immigrant groups in Turkey.

    Could you explain the difference between these two cultures to a Westerner please!
  8. Reconquerer

    Several hurt as man opens fire in Dutch tram

    I removed it. There is a press conference at 6PM, hopefully we will know more by then...
  9. Reconquerer

    Several hurt as man opens fire in Dutch tram

    UTRECHT, Netherlands A gunman shot dead three people and wounded nine on a tram in the Dutch city of Utrecht on Monday. Police said they were hunting for a 37-year-old Turkish man after an apparent terrorist attack. Handout still image taken from CCTV footage shows a man who has been named as...
  10. Reconquerer

    Turkey ‘disappointed’ with Japan for not accepting Turkish workers

    The reputation of the Turks in Europe is a disaster, you cannot deny that! the only problem of my country is mass migration from shithole countries, we could live in absolut paradise, why do we import the problems of other people, I don't get it! no, they are not, as I told you before, in...
  11. Reconquerer

    Turkey ‘disappointed’ with Japan for not accepting Turkish workers

    Cmon, you know best yourself the catastrophic reputation Turks have in Western Europe, this will sooner or later come back to bite you, since right wing parties are on the rise all over Europe... Thats exactly the point, you either have schools and kindergardens with 95% Germans or with 95%...
  12. Reconquerer

    Turkey ‘disappointed’ with Japan for not accepting Turkish workers

    I wish my country would also say NO to any kind of Turkish "workers", but eventually one day even our patience will be over... Kudos to the Japanese!
  13. Reconquerer

    lot of changes for muslims in Germany in the future...?

    According to Wikipedia, in 2017 it was 4,9%.
  14. Reconquerer

    Salvini asks about French 'migrant-drop'

    @Tiberius How come you think Macro sucks dicks? He is married! xD
  15. Reconquerer

    Italy budget debacle puts Europe back in global spotlight

    Of course, and a banknote is also just a piece of paper... Can you be that stupid? Sadly true, Merkel turned my country into the dumping ground of everybody’s problems. „You messed up your one country? Just come to Germany, the stupid Germans will take care of you“ Her days are counted, you...
  16. Reconquerer

    Italy budget debacle puts Europe back in global spotlight

    With a Muslim population of 4,9% in 2017 and the anti-migration, anti-EU and anti-Euro party currently already on number two in the polls, I can promise you we will never turn into Germanistan :) Sadly true, a guy from Syria took hostages today in Cologne, that will add at least another two...
  17. Reconquerer

    Italy budget debacle puts Europe back in global spotlight

    I already pay my cleaning lady from Cosenza twice per week... xD Within the next ten years you can start to print beautiful Italian Liras again... :)
  18. Reconquerer

    Germany state ellection in Bayern results...

    This will never happen, CSU and FW will form the government, take my words! You see a tiny little move to the right in the last five years, but nothing you can compare the eastern countries... 2013: right-wing: CSU 47,7, FW 9 => 56,7% centre: FDP => 3,3% left-wing: SPD 20,6, Grüne 8,6, Linke...
  19. Reconquerer

    Italy budget debacle puts Europe back in global spotlight

    Without €uro, Italy will turn into Europe’s Argentina. Maybe parts of northern Italy have an average performing economy, but everything south of Rome is more or less dead. At least millions of Italians that clean restrooms and deliver parcels in D, A, CH and GB can send a couple of bucks home...
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