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  1. Reconquerer

    Turkey to invest over $46B on railways, expand high-speed network to 41 cities

    Wondering why so many countries try their luck with trains, CAF in Spain, Ansaldo in Italy, Skoda in the Czech Rep., PESA in Poland, Alstom in France, Stadler in Switzerland, Siemens in Germany... What is the idea behind the turkish train, it looks like a commuter train, what is it designed for...
  2. Reconquerer

    French City Rocked by Unrest Blamed on Score-Settling Chechens

    Please keep us updated! If Macron wishes to do so, these losers could all be on the next flight back to their shitholes!
  3. Reconquerer

    Turkey Coronavirus & updates

    What do you need 1500 beds and 310 polyclinics (what does it even mean?) for? All you need is bloody ventilators on an ICU...
  4. Reconquerer

    Why are mosques under attack in Europe? Why do the British fear Muslims?

    Because my country tests 500.000 people every week, thats why we have a higher incidence... How many tests did Parkistan perform already?
  5. Reconquerer

    Turkey Steps Back From Confrontation at Greek Border

    What an epic disaster this was for little Erdo. I am not the biggest fan of turkey, but they really deserve something better then the total loser Erdogan! But as soon as Corona really spreads in turkey, they Greek border is the least of loser Erdogan‘s problems! Thanks to the Greek border...
  6. Reconquerer

    Turkey Coronavirus & updates

    How many tests performs turkey per day?
  7. Reconquerer

    Turkey Coronavirus & updates

    That sounds convincing! Would it help to put the mask in the oven at something like 50-80 degree? At what temp this virus gets killed? They better have an eye on it.
  8. Reconquerer

    Turkey Coronavirus & updates

    2 cases in a country that is neighboring Iran, which is extremely affected with more than 10k cases, can this be true?
  9. Reconquerer

    Why Europe should help shoulder the refugee crisis with Turkey

    Our secretary of the Interior, Horst Seehofer, a total lightweight btw just tweeted this: " Looks like they eventually got the message that a second 2015 and more muslim mass migration would end very badly for them... For those that can't use the translator, it says: Federal Interior Minister...
  10. Reconquerer

    Why Europe should help shoulder the refugee crisis with Turkey

    Europeans? A couple of leftwing activists are protesting to open the borders, but 99% of the Europeans are very happy, that the Greeks do a damn good job!!!
  11. Reconquerer

    Refugees accuse the Turkish army of inciting them to cross the Greek border

    What a disaster it is for little Erdogoat!
  12. Reconquerer

    Why has Turkey opened its borders with Europe?

    Why did you leave your motherland?
  13. Reconquerer

    Why has Turkey opened its borders with Europe?

    Yes, the blond Dutch/Swedish/German/British... girls are just waiting for young muslim men to have sex with them, they're seen as the absolute jackpot!:yahoo:
  14. Reconquerer

    Why has Turkey opened its borders with Europe?

    turkey is heavily depending on the EU, if these total lightweights in Brussels would finally show some teeth, your little Erdo has a real problem... Unfortunately we are the chosen ones by millions of turks and other losers, we are the number one destination of your only export product...
  15. Reconquerer

    Why has Turkey opened its borders with Europe?

    I can't hear it anymore, there is always someone to blame, you guys are completely incapable of self-criticism... Little Erdo intimidated the EU for years, now he has eventually opened the border, and nothing has happened. xD So he has shot his bolt, oh what a joke this guy is! Germany should...
  16. Reconquerer

    Why has Turkey opened its borders with Europe?

    What for?:blink: Name me three muslim countries with western standard of living, gulf states don't count! I know the truth hurts! Europeans have a problem with losers, that messed up their own countries and wanna move to ours now!
  17. Reconquerer

    Why has Turkey opened its borders with Europe?

    Ah great, where is the difference? Life in any western country is a thousand times better than in any of your Muslim countries... so sad...
  18. Reconquerer

    Why has Turkey opened its borders with Europe?

    Where do you turks and all the other people that ruined their countries wanna flee to then? I can hardly imagine Australia is willing to accept more turks... xD But anyway, it will never happen, even France has a muslim population of less than 10%, and Le Pen will happily kick them out, starting...
  19. Reconquerer

    How far does anti-Turkish feeling go in Germany?

    Thats wrong, but yes the birthrate is low, since a strong economy is the best contraceptive. Same as in turkey, where the birthrate in the western parts is on a European level, while in Anatolia they still breed like rabbits with 4+ children... Please tell me what you buy for a week, if 100€...
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