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  1. Andrei

    Tajiks, one of three aryan nation in China----The Keeper of Chinese frontier.

    Tajiks, one of three aryan nation in China----The Keeper of Chinese frontier. Altough they are white people, but they believe they are chinese, and they love china even more than some Han chinese. Their dream is becoming a frontier soldier to protect China. And they oppose the terrorists...
  2. Andrei

    China invented new bus system, to solve busy traffic problem

    China invented new bus system, to solve busy traffic problem, people can drive car directly under the bus
  3. Andrei

    Rumors killer -- Spreading lies is bad, mmkay?

    跟吃了屎一樣上躥下跳,誰否認滿清不是中國了?是中國亡國時期而已。 as manchu what they said . Qing is not China,but a Mongolian Dynasty - History Forum ~ All Empires
  4. Andrei

    Rumors killer -- Spreading lies is bad, mmkay?

    you are disgusting , always lying. you lie again. no source again , i have given you lots sources, but you ignored all the time. so disgusting 火繩槍是清朝之前發明的,不是清朝的,沒有人說清朝沒有使用這些明朝的東西。但是清朝在很多戰爭 中使用冷兵器是不爭的事實,還有你個二逼,在外國人面前互掐很好玩?傻逼。
  5. Andrei

    Rumors killer -- Spreading lies is bad, mmkay?

    18th Royal Irish at Amoy (did qing soldiers use gun?)
  6. Andrei

    Rumors killer -- Spreading lies is bad, mmkay?

    Pic from Edward Belcher - Edward Belcher (1843). Narrative of a Voyage Round the World. Volume 2. p. 158. Chinese soldiers with gingals Wow the second pic you gave, 八里桥之战, qing soildiers used Bows and arrows, spears against french soldiers' gun. great, it made difference with long knives...
  7. Andrei

    Rumors killer -- Spreading lies is bad, mmkay?

    record by Embassy of Great Britain Macartney, G,. Journal of an Embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor. "All the Chinese whom we have yet seen, from the highest to the lowest, have their heads close shaved, except on the crown, where the hair is left untouched by the razor, for...
  8. Andrei

    Rumors killer -- Spreading lies is bad, mmkay?

    himself is a liar , just check the whole records of discussion of this article you will know , he is always deny history you want more history records of Hanfu's banned by qing government? 《清太宗实录》卷10,天聪五年十一月庚午条 顺治二年(1645年),清朝江宁巡抚土国宝宣布:“剃发、改装是新朝第一严令, 通行天下,法在必行者,不论绅士军民人等,留头不留发,留发不留头,南山可移,此令不可动”...
  9. Andrei

    Rumors killer -- Spreading lies is bad, mmkay?

    so you don't understand what we want too, we support hanfu revival, not mean against others nations, or force other nations wear hanfu, and not force han chinese wear hanfu daily lives , just use hanfu as our symbol , just like japan has kimono, korea has hanbok, vietnam has ao dai, india has...
  10. Andrei

    Rumors killer -- Spreading lies is bad, mmkay?

    so the point is what? we are talking about history records , not modern western attitude on china , why you say western history records were fate?
  11. Andrei

    Rumors killer -- Spreading lies is bad, mmkay?

    what? at that time , the westerns were not against china, so you even want deny the records of westerns? at that time china was not PRC, why western against china and made fate records? do you have logic? this is history records not modern western politic records so i can tell this kind words...
  12. Andrei

    Rumors killer -- Spreading lies is bad, mmkay?

    so in your mind, hanfu is just cosplay? so funny, so in your mind, revival of Confucius is also cosplay, and more, we talk about hanfu, but some one deny the history that's why made us angry.
  13. Andrei

    Rumors killer -- Spreading lies is bad, mmkay?

    Martin Martini的《鞑靼战纪》,他的汉名叫衞匡国。作为基督教的传教士,他跨越了明亡清兴前后十余年,滞留于滞纳南部,作为实地目击者,他记录的可信性是毋庸置疑的。在他的《鞑靼战纪》里有大量关于辫发的记载,关于浙江省绍兴府,他这样写道:“鞑靼军没有受到什么抵抗就占领了绍兴府,浙江省南半府县也被这样轻易地占领,但是当鞑靼军颁布新规强制汉人剃发易服后,所有的汉人——无论士兵还是平民——都拿起了武器,为国家,也为皇室,更为了自家头上的毛发,以命相搏,抵抗鞑靼军,并把他们赶到了钱塘江以北。”当时Martini辞别在明朝为官的唐王,居住在浙江南部,温州陷落,他也被鞑靼军亲手剃发胡服。...
  14. Andrei

    Rumors killer -- Spreading lies is bad, mmkay?

    “时奴贼既得辽阳,辽东八站军民不乐从胡者,多至江边…… 其后,贼大至,义民不肯剃头者,皆投鸭水(鸭绿江)以死。”(朝鲜 《朝鲜王朝实录》 so then why when han chinese want revival own culture and civilization, all against this?
  15. Andrei

    Rumors killer -- Spreading lies is bad, mmkay?

    李自然 《试论清初满洲贵族推行“剃发易服”政策的主旨》 《黑龙江民族丛刊》一九九八年第四期(总第五十五期) 《试论清初满洲贵族推行“剃发易服”政策的主旨》 顺治元年(1644年)清军入关后,多尔衮除马上出台安民政策外,于同年五月即传谕兵部:“今本朝定鼎燕京,天下罹难军民皆吾赤子,出之水火而完全之,各处城堡著遣人持檄招抚,檄文到日剃(剃)发归顺者,地方官各升一级,军免其迁徙”,“凡投诚官吏军民皆著剃发,衣冠悉遵本朝制度”。末几,由于北京等地的汉人反抗,清政府遂暂缓实行,“天下臣民,照旧束发,悉从其便”。...
  16. Andrei

    Rumors killer -- Spreading lies is bad, mmkay?

    I gave you already many times record of hanfu be banned in qing dynasty. but you ignored 畿南大屠杀   时间:北明崇祯十七年(1644年)阴历(以下同)五月   地点:北直隶三河、昌平、良乡等地   死难人数:约5,000人   发动者:满清“睿亲王”多尔衮   事件简介:是年五月,大顺军西撤。满清军队占领畿南地区,强令汉族剃发易服。当地汉族居民纷纷揭竿而起,反对满清统治。满清朝廷派出军队弹压,对起义者和居民大肆屠戮,连老幼亦不能幸免。   参考资料:《清世祖实录》 潼关大屠杀...
  17. Andrei

    Rumors killer -- Spreading lies is bad, mmkay?

    Wow the second pic you gave, Battle of Palikao 八里桥之战, qing soildiers used Bows and arrows, spears against french soldiers' gun. great, it made differences with long knives? same Cold steel against modern guns By the way, Battle of Palikao happend in Second Opium War, before this, there was First...
  18. Andrei

    Rumors killer -- Spreading lies is bad, mmkay?

    so why not against japan? japan control much bigger territory of asia , if you want more land. 对于分不清文化复兴与民族主义的人,没必要跟你多话 A cannon from the Huolongjing, compiled byJiao Yu and Liu Ji before the latter's death in 1375 (Ming Dynasty)
  19. Andrei

    Traditional chinese costume . We eliminate your misunderstanding of Chinese costume and hairstyle.

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