Believe me **** and Turks are ten years behind Iran. **** is now chinese slave and turkey tries to play all by begging for anything from anyone. So please be honest with yourself and stop mocking the only moslem country which tries to be independant and believes in it s doings. It s the only...
I see some turks and so called moslems make fun about Iran and it s achievements. It s so ridiculous that people who are considered by europeans and the west as inferior are playing with the same language. On the opposite I am from germany and the iranians are under the moslems the only...
I have this evening some thoughts more to deliver. May be you will think about.
My prediction is that turkish policy will result in self destruction as described before but there will be consequences for all muslim living in the west and actually in europe. does nt matter you are iranians...
I know it s just waste of time giving you any kind of information or knowledge because always the same shit you guys can only believe in the propaganda of your shitty stupid leaders but I will try may be you start using your brain once
Listen kid GDP means Gross domestic production. The way it...