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  1. J

    China's Insecurity. Part 4 of China's Reckoning

    China raise in someway really similiar with Japan rise in 20th century, the arrogance, the insecurities againts the "white colonizer", the feel of cultural superiority etc. I already see how many chinese rhetoric is that "Asian must kick white influence from asia", "Asian must united againts...
  2. J

    1st batch of Chinese-made HSR rails arrives at project site in Indonesia

    There is a project with Japan to upgrading the current Jakarta-Surabaya line so it can support 160km/h train. which estimate will cost about $6 billion But there is many critics from people (including myself) expert and inside the government itself that called this project wasted of money...
  3. J

    1st batch of Chinese-made HSR rails arrives at project site in Indonesia

    But i mention about car first than you answered about train... well whatever... The point is clear we build HSR for economical reason, and yes our Train system mostly is dutch left over and not as fast as many country since our government only starting to care about railway system in 2010s...
  4. J

    1st batch of Chinese-made HSR rails arrives at project site in Indonesia

    780KM in 5 hour with car ? Lmao. Good luck to survive with that kind of speed. The real number is actually 9 hours but let's be real no many people can drive that long without getting rest. And that is why we build HSR dumdum.. to cut time.
  5. J

    1st batch of Chinese-made HSR rails arrives at project site in Indonesia

    No benefit how ??? This HSR is planned to connect Major cities like Jakarta,Bandung, Semarang and Surabaya with total metro population almost 60 million people and With total GDP $435 billion. And we still not including middle size city too. This project have a fricking big potential even if it...
  6. J

    1st batch of Chinese-made HSR rails arrives at project site in Indonesia

    Indonesia economy is too big to compare with sri lanka. China can't treat indonesia like they did with other countries. Also it's been clear that HSR will have bright future in Indonesia, the government already show it commitment to extend the HSR in the near future. Eventually every country...
  7. J

    Burmese protests l Updates, News & Discussion

    There is absolutely no way this kind of protest will happen in Indonesia or even your so call "arab spring". Indonesian economy doing decent in this pandemic, Jokowi approvement rate is high and his political coalition is stronger than ever. Hell... i would even dare to said indonesia is one of...
  8. J

    Singapore Malaysia HSR cancelled

    Well tbh the fact that he manage to do that in 9 years is what make him qualified. If you look all indonesian president in the past, they're always an important people even before they become president, either it's political party leader, high ranking soldier, leader of a big organization...
  9. J

    Jakarta 2020 and beyond

    In the original plan the construction should begin next year. but because of covid-19 it probably gonna be postponed untill 2022. The reason is to move the capital city is. 1. lessen Jakarta burden as centre of everything in indonesia 2. make a new economic growth outside java island. 3...
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