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  1. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    Video: Lahore woman tortured after refusing to dance in front of husband's friends.

    Take your medicine, you're golden when silent towards Pakistan.
  2. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    Video: Lahore woman tortured after refusing to dance in front of husband's friends.

    Aurat March was heading in a terrible direction. There is no way those quotes are justifiable. Words are weapons, sometimes sound meaning reflect more than hidden meaning The important part is how someone use it to public perception. would you call your father , Ferymao mere Baap? Not exactly ...
  3. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    Video: Lahore woman tortured after refusing to dance in front of husband's friends.

    Aristocrats in Pakistan are also celebrating Holi which is Hindu tradition. Regarding Drama series, i disagree with you. We used to have better Dramas back in the days But not now. Currently most drama plots are as same as Indian Drama Industry. Reason is inspiration. 2 out of 10 Dramas are good...
  4. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    Video: Lahore woman tortured after refusing to dance in front of husband's friends.

    This @sshole is shameless pi,g Wife gher ki izzat hoti hai Or yeh us see mujra kerwa Raha tha Kanjar insaan DHA me boht si stories aisi Hain This guy set her up and nikah then used her as part timer Not as wife. I had a friend in DHA Lahore M block He kept one pretty well looking girl and made...
  5. JF-17ThunderBlock3


    Ghazi Sab Your posts on Peshawar, Then Punjab Pictures make me wonder Mash Allah Pakistan is so beautiful, i always believed but the way those shots are captured are also very creative. Amazing work overall
  6. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    Weaponization of extraterrestrial-biological-entities (EBE)

    English Translation 42:29 was to put. I copied 42:20 corrected now. Jnab Tussi v i thought it was serious subject to talk Turn out basically it was stress relieving episode :omghaha:
  7. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    Weaponization of extraterrestrial-biological-entities (EBE)

    (42:29) And of His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the living creatures that He has spread out in them.& He has the power to bring them together when He so wills. DR. GHALI And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and of whatever kinds of beast He...
  8. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    Weaponization of extraterrestrial-biological-entities (EBE)

    After the Death of Prophet Suliman The Group of Bad Jin ( demons ) hide some books with spells and rituals written by them In order to misguide the people of Solomon. When the Jews found those books , they ( demons ) told them These were the spells used by Suleman to control us, Given the reaon...
  9. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    Weaponization of extraterrestrial-biological-entities (EBE)

    Look , ok for the sake or argument If we should neglect it. " Should be " because imagination lead to doubts These things are not meant for us to use. They have more adverse, then very little good in trade. God ( Allah ) has created them before us As Superior among the creatures Given them...
  10. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    Weaponization of extraterrestrial-biological-entities (EBE)

    These things not to make joke out of , your non seriousness might get you caught by the bad time. Population of Demons in the world is way higher than humans but they can't be seen. Some are muslim, some belong to other religions,
  11. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    Weaponization of extraterrestrial-biological-entities (EBE)

    Brother! This is serious topic ( demons, angels ) , it is not funny at all. I have stated before the only person who has access and control over demons was Suliman A.S aka King Solomon now you might be thinking people who use soccery or stuff that is "Skirk". Demons cannot be in control of any...
  12. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    Weaponization of extraterrestrial-biological-entities (EBE)

    I have mentioned already , above Surah Sad [35] Please if you want to understand ready above again from 35 - 38 Suliman A. S asked for kingdom that no other ever had or will. So all the miracles related to Sulman kingdom were given to him only. Not before nor any other Prophet hence it...
  13. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    Weaponization of extraterrestrial-biological-entities (EBE)

    The only Kingdom in the history which used Jin as administrators, construction workers or civil works was during time of Sulaiman A.S , ﴿ وَلَقَدۡ فَتَنَّا سُلَيۡمَـٰنَ وَأَلۡقَيۡنَا عَلَىٰ كُرۡسِيِّهِۦ جَسَدً۬ا ثُمَّ أَنَابَ • قَالَ رَبِّ ٱغۡفِرۡ لِى وَهَبۡ لِى مُلۡكً۬ا لَّا يَنۢبَغِى...
  14. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    Is our media really this brain dead?

    Like Guardian of the Galaxy I Guardian of the Galaxy II Star Wars Insurgent Divergent Terminator Genisys List goes on . . . . . . . . . . . Humanity ? If humanity is left in mankind they should Focus on preserving Earth and make it secure. Rather than conquering something which is far beyond...
  15. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    Children as young as 4 will be taught abt LGBT

    These media houses are endorsed by our countrymen, Who are fed by foreign NGOs. So selling their part of narrative against dollars is whats happening. I know some of wingless ladies in Islamabad, Who were supported by Foreign Funds.
  16. JF-17ThunderBlock3


  17. JF-17ThunderBlock3

    Breaking News Versions on Oil Discovery within week

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