Abd fisi cekse bile hemen Çinin yerini bulamazlar ve epey surer. Ozaman Abd deki halk napicak? Piyasadaki mallar bircogu pagli olur basta halk sokaga cikar hehe bilmiyorum abartili olabilir ama Çin nasil Abdyi oyle kolaycana birakamasada Abd de Çini oyle
Ben Türkiyede bizimkilerin o kadar az et yedigine inanmiyorum hataa burda hollandalilar aslinda o kadar yemiyor. Belki snack tarzi yemekleri katiyorlarsa ozaman olabilir ama onu et yerine saymam
Yes but they will be useless and our relation with the west is getting worse amd worse so if even a small scale skirmish/war breaks out we are doomed they will fall down like dead birds
I believe it was even a law that all military crafts made in the us should the chip inside that is controlable from the us itself. Isnt that why when our aselsan engineers discovered way around many got in suspicious suicides? Or was this just a rumour?