Does that mean that you're going to shot our fighters ?
Yeah but at the same time you have anti Israel speeches like the one at the origin of this thread.
Erdogan knows he has to be careful when dealing with Israel because if one day he crosses the line, Turkey would at risk to be kicked out...
The EU-Turkey thing is already dead. The way Turkey evolves there is nothing we can do in common a part for a very limited situation where the win-win is 100% sure.
Turkey will continued its drift from Europe and increase its anti Israel stance and will finish closer to the middle-east.
Well considering the way and the speed things are deteriorating in Turkey that might indeed be the future : nationalist => islamist and then jihadist.
It's up to the Turkish people to decide whenever they want to follow that crazy man or to come back to a descent leader.
But with that many...
Agreed that it is what he should do but he won't because he has a bigger plan.
It looks to me that day after day Erdogan is turning what was a secular democracy into an Islamic dictatorship.
But he plans to obtain the support of his people and to get that result he uses the old trick that...
I dunno where you have read that bulshit.
Mosques are being built not closed in France.
According to this article (in French so google translate to read the source) the number of mosques has been multiplied by 24 since 1970. From 100 mosque in 1970 up to 2400 in 2015...
Because originally the first colonies where mostly British so English was the main language. First generations of German immigrants in the US spoke German (not really Hochdeutsch but rather their dialect from the part of Germany they came from) with their families and English with other people...
Your point being ?
In the end there is someone with enough common sense to ask the only important question. So thanks a lot Tshering22.
Who can attack Europe : that is to say France + Uk + Germany + Italy + Spain + some other smaller but very capable countries ?
Do the maths and look at how...
Well while the Royal Navy is sailing to the Mittelmeer to protect Gibraltar there is maybe an opportunity for the Marine Nationale to invade Jersey & Guernsey :-)
So everything is perfect and the divorce should be quick an easy because they won't be a lot of tears on the continent as well.
I will be a strong "Bye and good luck".
Or maybe "bon vent à vous !" from us.
At some point they say "Prepare a milan" and at the end the same solider say "prepare a second one !"
But I'm not sure is the first "milan" the missile that miss or the one that hits the target (which we don't see) ?