Classic case of the hole in my underwear is smaller than yours......
Please i fear dont go over to UN and try pass resolution asking India to be declared a terrorist state.... :D
Regarding resisting the invasions do u have the idea that all the invasions from the west routed through yours...
There isint no proper translation of religon in the sanskrit or say hindi language. Hinduism is just a term coined. you dont have to follow god to be a hindu. Just do your *** job thinking that karma is a ****** and u r a hindu
Just a simple question
What will be the reaction in Dhaka if tomorrow's newspapers read that few couple of Agnis and Prithivis are poiting towards Dhaka and I guess for Agni we dont even have to come to north east?
Ok answers apart from throwing the dagger from Bangladesh to the launch site...
And after this in the year 2013 all the mughal kings go crazy and handover the entire country in my hands and i become the evil jobless hopeless queen of the 1 billion jobless hopeless people but then they will have toilets...
For the debate to be intellectual the person in front is gotta be intellectual not a idiotic, stupid, suicide troll who doesnt have have a life(Again as per the "personal opinion" which i can still have on the levarage of one person having it for 1/5 of humanitiy)
So anyone tell what level of...
You are an idiotic, stupid, suicide troll who doesnt have have a life. You are a fucked up a creature....
But then again this is also my "Personal Opinion" when you can have opionion for 1/5 of humanity damn it why i cant have for one person.....
Om Sarvesham Svastir Bhavatu
Sarvesham Shantir bhavatu
Sarvesham Purnam Bhavatu
Sarvesham Mangalam Bhavatu.
Om - May auspiciousness be unto all.
May peace be unto all.
May fullness be unto all.
May prosperity be unto all.
Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah
Sarve Santu Niramayaah
Does thoughts of the same make your panties wet?
Ever heard of imployed defence mechanism. The basic example why pakistan as a nation should declared a terrorist nation and should be banned with sanctions. A place where war mongers and haters live.
Backward mentality of the backward people. Just hang him in the same village with the tree.
Not really the places have become safer in comparison to past few years with the new delhi police helpline numbers and police patrolling much more rigorously and taking women issues too seriously...