That is true, barking from both sides has become a comedy show for the world. But let's be clear on one thing, should both sides live up to their barking with actions. Let's see who gets destroyed.
What is your view compared to pregnant mainland women flooding into HK to give birth and taking over local resources?. From the news, it seems an outcry from local HK people. They even to come so far to label them Locusts.
Abii is a proud Iranian and we should credit this.
He is fortunate that he is in Canada and not in his beloved home country should a conflict happen. :usflag:
First, please control your emotions. I don't understand why you need to get upset. Anyways, it is irrelevant to bring out the history of us killing cities and making nukes in countering what I have said. Also, you say this like Pakistan never killed anyone or started any conflicts.
I have...